Do The Buffaloes Suffer From Hoof And Mouth Disease?

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Devil Dog

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2004
Springfield, Ohio
Should Gary Barnett get fired/resign? What is going on at the university in Boulder? This is the 4th sexual assault [allegation] in as many years involving members of Colorado's football program.
Barnett stated' he wasn't aware". Barnett doesn't seem to be aware of a lot of things going with his players. I had always thought Gary Barnett was a straight shooter and started to follow him when he was at Northwestern. Good coach[IMO].
I'm trying not to prejudge him or the university but there seems to be too much smoke here not to have any fire involved. This goes much deeper [if true] as the whole administration bares some blame if any of these four or any part are found out to be true and a cover up ensued. Don't lower the bar any futher and quit making excuses for bad behavior. Clean house if warranted.
Best Wishes
Devil Dog
" Character does matter" My Father


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
Nice post. I think CO def. needs to clean house.

Why do so many people think Barnett is a good coach?

He is coaching at a major college football program. His recruiting efforts has not been stellar. He has now coached CO for 5 years. Lets take a look at his results.

35-28 54% winning %

3/5 years he went to bowl games. He is 1-2 in Bowl Games.

Colorado St. and Nebraska are CO 2 rivals.

CO is 2-3 against CSU.
CO is 2-3 against Nebraska.

Having losing records against your rivals is not going to get it done. IMO, CO should fire Barnett not only for the problems now at CO but for his on the field results as well. CO had some good seasons prior to Barnett. Maybe I am missing something.
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