Do you think they will make their first shot tonite?


U.T. Texas Ex
Forum Member
Jul 13, 2002
Some props on tonites games, let me know if you like any----

12/3/2002 7:00 PM Will JJ Reddick make or miss 1st shot attempt Foul and Technical shots do not count towards wager. If player is fouled on 1st attempt, 2nd attempt + becomes wager. Player has to attempt a shot for wager to have action.
513 Make -105
514 Miss -125

12/3/2002 7:00 PM Will S Randolph make or miss his 1st shot attempt Foul and Technical shots do not count towards wager. If player is fouled on 1st attempt, 2nd attempt + becomes wager. Player has to attempt a shot for wager to have action.
515 Make -105
516 Miss -125

12/3/2002 9:30 PM Will Sean May make or miss his 1st shot attempt Foul and Technical shots do not count towards wager. If player is fouled on 1st attempt, 2nd attempt + becomes wager. Player has to attempt a shot for wager to have action.
415 Make +100
416 Miss -130

Like any? My thinking is first shots are usually missed more than made, just basing it on the start of the game........but i could be wrong.........whatdaya think?


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I'd say miss on May, the tar heels have had trouble getting him the ball in close lately and his shooting has cooled off.

good luck either way
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