Documentary Series: Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Where: Netflix
Length: 3 Episodes ~ 50 min each

I watched this last week. The title doesn't really describe the series well (until you watch it and it makes sense). It does spend a lot of time covering Bill's background and his relationship with Melinda, but the real focus is on what Bill is doing with his time to make the world a better place.

Fighting disease: He's trying to find a solution to the lack of waste management in under developed countries by funding efforts to create inexpensive toilets that can process the waste into energy and/or recycle the water. Trying to install the infrastructure that we have here in the US is just not feasible, at least not in my lifetime.

Nuclear power: He's got a company (Terrapower) that is dedicated to re-designing the nuclear power plant and will use our stockpiles of spent Uranium (waste) to power them rather than enriched Uranium. He had a deal with China to build the first one but Trump shut it down with his trade restrictions.

If I had his money, I can't see working like this. I'd be cutting checks to charity from a tropical island. I'm glad people like him exist.

You have to be interested in this kind of stuff before I'd recommend watching it. I really enjoyed it.

If anyone else watched it, I'd be curious about your thoughts.
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