Felonious Monk
Felonious Monk
Your right, most recruiters don't know anything about the people they try to attract. I have a limited background in programming so this has helped.
I've been recruiting over ten years. Started my own business by using my current contacts, either companies I've done business with or candidates I've recruiter who have decision making ability. Most companies need talent and HR departments can't provide the on-time results they need.
I hire fulltime, hourly contract and right-to-hire (which is usually three month trial).
I would suggest if you have contacts or know hiring managers, contact them and ask if they use contract services, ie - contract consulting, contingency fee searches, temp to perm arrangements or right-to-hire opportunities.
If they do and you have contacts, parlay this into providing the client with qualified candidates. It is extremely attractive to clients if you have a pipeline of candidates/contacts, which they would not be able to find over the internet.
How I became and Independent Technical Recruiter. I spent the last ten years working for two large International Consulting Companies and got tired of seeing them make a killing on the bill rates. I now make 100% of all placements - example - fulltime employee making $80,000 x 25% fee = $20,000 payable to my company - hourly - $90 hr bill rate - $65 pay rate = $25 per hr fee.
You only need five to seven consultants on billing with an average hourly rate of return of $15 and you can make well over $120K per year.
Good luck