Thanks Jack.
Millenium is getting beat up at another site for the following:
1. An employee there evidently stole the cc info from a player and used it elsewhere and they ( Mill ) aren't doing anything to help the player. ( I don't know if this is true but I had a similar experience with a ticket broker and it pissed me off too - though my cc company handled most of the trouble )
2. Mill have reportedly booted players just for winning at NBA props and NASCAR, not just steam plays. Several reported they were booted, not just one isolated case. This is also unsubstantiated, but I hate hearing such stories. Lower limits to some degree is one thing, but outright booting just doesn't seem right to me. I understand limiting syndicates and steam players, but just because they are skilled at a segment of betting is not a fair grounds for booting, IMHO. Books that have a "we only accept losers" motto aren't playing fair. At least OLY HIRED Joser when he was beating them like a drum at NBA props!
I haven't heard, or read, anything negative about INFINITY, other than their "loose" association with NASA.
Reportedly NASA is the only place "under the umbrella" that has stiffed anyone. I hope that remains true!