Don't take the train home from Vegas


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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
From 'The St. Petersburg Times', June 24th:

In return for sharing its passenger manifest with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Amtrak gets a bounty of 10 percent of any seizures made from its trains. DEA agents use the information provided by the railroad to determine which passengers fit a "drug courier profile." Riders unlucky enough to have paid for their tickets with cash or purchased tickets at the last minute are questioned by federal agents who board the train at the Albuquerque, N.M., stop. If one of these travelers is carrying a substantial amount of cash, DEA agents confiscate it as a drug asset and Amtrak takes 10 percent off the top.

After the $149,000 was found in the fanny pack, which [Hoang Thach] claimed were gambling proceeds, the bills were taken outside to a drug-sniffing dog. But the dog did not alert to the presence of drugs. So the agents tried again with a second dog. It finally provided the desired result. (Despite studies that show upwards of 96 percent of all money in circulation is contaminated with drug residue, police use drug-dog alerts as a basis to claim the money is part of the drug trade.) The DEA agents told Thach his money was suspected drug assets, took all but $1,000, enough so Thach could continue his trip home, and left him with a receipt. Thach was not charged with a crime, but he has had to post a $5,000 bond and hire an attorney to help him get his money back. The federal trial is set for October.

The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico is in the process of investigating the potential for a lawsuit on behalf of a number of passengers, minorities mostly, who have been profiled as drug couriers on Amtrak and nothing was found. Peter Simonson, the organization's executive director, says by freely sharing information with the DEA, Amtrak may be breaking the Privacy Act of 1974, a law prohibiting federal agencies from exchanging identifying information without following certain protocols.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
What kind off crap is that??? I watch 20/20 and Dateline,etc. and I am shocked by some of the "stuff" your gov't does to you guys,talk about screwing with your rights and liberties.If you want to get real pissed-off find out about "project Echelon" (if you can 'cause it's a real hush -hush and TOTAL denial'operation) it has to do with satellites and big brother, you can guess part of the rest.Canada has plenty of problems but that kind of B.S. would NOT wash...Good luck as always..Spanky...


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Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City

Doesn't surprise me.

I'll be the first one to stand up for protecting the environment, but think about this one.

The EPA, via GIS satellites and infared, will chronicle all known pesticides. This will happen inside of ten years. The EPA will be able to monitor all chemical usage across the US. You over apply any chemical, you are subject to EPA jurisdiction, immediately.

I hope their models/software are accurate. I see legal profession having a hay day - at the expense of my agricultural friends who feed us.




Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
toronto,canada I missing something here????? I must have misread something or someone has been at the punch bowl for a libation or six...Spanky...

Cash & Carry

Guys, same story with hotels & airlines.
It's a shame to get "red flagged" paying
in the GREEN. watch your six-good luck to all.


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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
For those of you not familiar with FINCEN, here is their Mission Statement and URL:

"The mission of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is to support law enforcement investigative efforts and foster interagency and global cooperation against domestic and international financial crimes; and to provide U.S. policy makers with strategic analyses of domestic and worldwide money-laundering developments, trends and patterns. FinCEN works towards those ends through information collection, analysis, and sharing, technological assistance, and innovative and cost-effective implementation of Treasury authorities."

I would suggest you peruse this info to protect yourself. You ARE being watched at all times.



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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
""GOD FORBID WE SHOULD EVER BE 20 YEARS without such a rebellion," wrote Thomas Jefferson, author of America?s Declaration of Independence, to a friend in 1787 regarding Shay?s Rebellion. "?.what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms"

Anyone remember Shay's rebellion? What position did Thomas Jefferson hold at the time? Can anyone possibly image this happening today and one of our national leaders actually making a comment like this?

Those guys weren't called 'Revolutionaries' for nothing!!! We're all pussies compared to them. (This is my 4th of July rant one day late). You were born with an inheritance of freedom purchased with the blood of those who risked and died to win it. Jefferson?s point is that such liberty must be cherished, honored, and asserted anew by each generation ? or it will be taken from you, bit by bit, by those who love government more than you love liberty.

Thomas Jefferson had a motto by which he lived his life: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."

Every single man who signed the Declaration of Independence (OK, they were all men in those days ladies, but let's stay on subject) pledged his wealth, his well-being, and his posterity to the notion of Liberty. In short, everything they had or ever hoped to have, including their families. They were radicals.



Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

"Echelon" has been around for many years. By the way, it is not just a "U.S." thing. Our government uses echelon world-wide, meaning you are subject to it, too.

Now they will read this, and I will be in deep shit!

Oh, the sacrifices I make for the people of MadJack's!


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
Yes YYZ but you have never done anything wrong I assume.What do I do with the 40 "pot plants" in my back yard right above the body of Jimmy Hoffa.Shit, the satellites are overhead as I speak.I knew it was a Worldwide spy operationbut I read recently one of the Directors at Intel is also"associated" with Project Echelon.Gotta go ,expecting a large delivery of C-4 any minute..Spanky...


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
And to think I actually attacked my good friend Skinar at one time........

So many people take absolutely NO interest in what their government is doing-- leading to these kinds of abuses at the hands of what is supposed to be OUR government. Unbelievable...
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