hey mize thanx for the e-mail.
this is a common problem and here is the info your looking for,i keep it posted on my site at all times because it must be the most asked ?? on hu's,
having problems with the TZ on your ird,here's what ya do,
go into the menu and find the limit's option,
Set your spending limit on your receiver to correct your
time zone,
RCA Receivers: Go to options, then spending Limit and enter your code there.
Huges Receivers: Go to setup menu, then Limits and enter your code there.
Sony Receivers: Go to options menu, then locks and limits than spending limits and enter your code there.
Use the following codes:
Pacific 000
Mountain 002
Central 004
Eastern 006
Atlantic 008
Newfoundland 010
Note: After changing your time zone pull the card out of the receiver and put it back in. If it did not work pull the card a second time and it will work.
remember,every time you unplug the ird you will have to repeat these step's
there is s/w that will also do this for you at the time of programing if you paid for the right stuff,a couple of freeware programs out there are also pretty ok if you want to try e'm,look for extremhu,arrowpoint2.1 or canberts freebee4.1 are all good free net s/w.