juice,sorry for the delayed responce,in simple terms,older versions of sle were writen before daveyboy interduced his dynamic code into the data stream,witch caused small picture frezes and or fast blackouts(1 or 2 seconds),once the hashing of h card's start again these will be more frequent,if your not having this problem now,you are more than likely using 3.0
alot of people(mostly the free tv'rs,no offence meant)are starting to use older scripts on the card and using it alone(not very wise if you ask me)because of this is why i think that the hashing did'nt start last week,d@#% is not stupid,he read's the forums to so he know's what's going on,the more people that use that method,the more he can destroy in one blow,i've typed to people till my fingers hurt that emulation is the best way to go but the guy that only cares if he's watching 595,596,206 and 100-199 only wants the fastest way to program his card and guess what,those are the one's that will lose there card's to the other side.
hope this clears a little bite up.
[This message has been edited by ex67 (edited 05-25-2001).]