Eagles/Terrell Owens

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Vegas Dave

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 23, 2002

Terrell Owens comes to Philadelphia and plays like he can. That means he's a touchdown machine, a threat to every team, and one reocurring dream that McNabb kept having finally came true. D-M AC to T.O. becomes the newest catch phrase, and the Eagles make it to their 4th consecutive NFC Championship game before getting blown out again.


Things start well, but when the Eagles get off to a slow start, Terrell Owens brief 'friendly' facade fades and Mr. Owen's attitude starts to sour. The lack of a legitimate target opposite of Owens means he's facing the same ghosts he was haunted by in San Francisco, double-teams. Terrell realizes that although McNabb is a bigger name, and has tasted more success than Jeff Garcia, that he is actually a worse QB statistically. McNabb, who has a worse career completion %, TD/INT ratio, and a QB rating, gets ripped openly by Terrell in the media after T.O. is getting the ball about as much as Keyshawn did when he left for Tampa Bay. The team's run first and just win mentally doesn't seem to please Owens and a new sentiment is started to be felt in the Eagles locker room which hasn't been there in past NFC championship season, lack of chemistry.


Believe it or not, even if the coin lands on Heads first, the coin will always end on tails with these types of players. The Keyshawn Johnson's, Allen Iverson's, Tracy McGrady's and Mike Comrie's care more about themselves than the team. If things are going well, then they will be quiet, but as soon as the situation dims, I can assure these guys will be the first to complain.
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giveit2 21
Forum Member
Nov 29, 2000
Atlanta GA
agree totally here. I would not be surprised in the least to see a 'tails' scenario. No doubting his talent but if that was the only issue he would still be in San Fran right now. I have read several articles from SF about this and have been surprised by some of the negative things wrote about him. Of course I do factor in SF's hatred for him but there was a good amount of legit info there. Someone wrote there needs to be an over/under on the # of glares Keyshawn gives Quincy when a ball is overthrown or whatnot and I believe the same is true for TO/McNabb. Things very well could end up happily ever after in Eagletown but to me there is a also a good chance the 'tails' scenario plays out.

As a Dallas fan I agree about Keyshawn too. Very worried about him, despite the fact Parcells is there to keep him straight, but this is Key after all. But I will take him over greedy galloway any day of the week. I never wanted his lazy a** in Dallas to begin w/ and am so thrilled he is out. Many say he never had a good QB to get him the ball is the reason he has been so unproductive in his career. Well he has a good one now so we'll see. I still belive he will not do much for Tampa but I guess I will find out for sure now.