early game

fixed odds

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Feb 22, 2001
Toronto canada
There will be two areas that will decide this game. Brady Versus Pittsvburgh?s secondary. Stewart against New England?s quick linebackers and corners. Everyone is definitely overlooking the Patriots? ?bend don?t break? defense. All but four games, the Pats? ?D? has not allowed three touchdowns a game! They are tough as nails in the red zone. Obviously, New England will focus on Stewart to interrupt his execution of key plays. Can the Steelers? rushing game be effective? It?s a given, BUT imagine if Stewart has a sub-par game. Than, their running game will be as good. Now normally it?s the run that sets up the pass, but Stewart ?must? throw effectively to set up the run. I expect the wily Patriots? secondary to telegraph half of Stewarts? passes. As for Brady, he has absolutely nothing to lose. All he has to do is, throw short passes and screens. If this game comes down to field goals, geeeeeeee wonder who has an edge!

take the 10 points


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Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
I agree totally. Pats will use screens and slants to keep the Pitt D on their heels. The short passing game will keep the blitz off of brady and open up other things. Pitt has a great de but the balance offense that ne has should keep them in the game. NE D. should be able to slow down the pit O and I believe this will keep the Pats in the game. Pats cover
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