Since most of Bushs spending has did little for many. The stock market still well short of what was lost under his leadership. Unemployment stalled. Jobs needed falling behind. In fact we need 3.5 million more fast. Milk, Eggs, Butter out of site. Health care tripled. Just maybe we do need some new faces to spend a little to help us Americans in the middle class. The rich are in real good shape. Even the poor are not to bad off. It's all us in the middle that could use some help. Tax cuts they say. Mind went up. I don't know yet how they pulled that off. No attacks in US they say. Last time these bastards waited 10 years to come back. I would just not brag about it yet. Pray we get enough done to stop them the next time. So far we have not made us a heck of alot safer. Not with our wide open borders.
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