Electric outdoor grills?


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Moving into a beautiful new apartment complex that according to county laws, cannot allow gas grills. Personally makes no sense to me, since the terrace is 500sqft and concrete, and the building itself its brand new brick. Such is life I guess.

Anyone have an electric outdoor grill they like? I have only found two so far that are halfway decent, an upright barrel looking Weber and a Charbroil cart grill. Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Feb 22, 2001
Just used a George Foreman Outdoor Electric Grill this weekend at a friends place. Worked just fine


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Yeah I saw these this weekend as well. Was wondering if they really do as good a job as a regular grill in terms of the cooking. Having never used one I sort of passed them over as an option.


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Jan 15, 2002
Is the grill-restriction because of the 'gas' or because of the "grilling". If you're in an apartment, I'd recommend a hibachi (Lodge makes a very nice one with a handle -- its heavy as shit, but has a big cast iron grate which SIZZLES). That's a great way to cook burgers, fish, chicken, sausages. lodgemfg.com. I never owned one, but I've used them camping and I really like them.

Can you get the small weber charcoal grill that sits only a foot off the ground? I prefer the hibachi to these, but these are nice for things you want to cook covered (a pan ful of veggies, thicker cuts of meat or small hens). I had one of those when living in an apartment, once. The weber is much more durable than that rectangular one you see everywhere. If you're only going to be there a year and don't want to move the grill with you, that rectangular one is probably fine.

Either one of these, you should be able to let cool outside your door and store it right inside. You should be able to own a hibachi ANYWHERE.

Or for that matter, can you get a full sized charcoal grill?

Sorry no electric grill recs. Mom's got the foreman grill, and I've only ever used it at her house. I don't know what the outdoor version is like, but that one gets hot.

Way to go on looking for a means to cook outdoors. :thumb:


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Shrimp, yeah the county code prohibits charcoal grills as well, based on the flamability factor.

Believe me, it sucks. But I found this from Charbroil:

I know its not the greatest thing in the world to give up my gas baby, but I will take outdoor grilled food in the summer over anything. We got a nice terrace on the fifth floor with a view of the park and the DC skyline. Nothing I'm looking forward to more than firing that baby up on a cool fall night.


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Dec 1, 2000
Charlotte, NC, US
Are infrared grills banned too. I know they are gas but no open flame so to speak like regular gas grills and charcoal grills. Two companies that I can think of off the top of my head are Solaire & Tec that specialize in infrared grills. I bought a Lynx gas grill and absolutely love it. I am a bbq fanatic. I probably grill out about 5 nights a week and all weekend. Everything that we used to make in the kitchen, now goes on the grill. Pizza on the grill is outstanding!! Let me know if you can get infrared or if you decide to go with an electric model. I will call the guy I bought mine from in like Jan of this year and see if he can get you a good price on it. His business is out of Fl. and he cut me the best deal I could find, even after shipping. GL and happy grilling, sounds like a nice pad you got.


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
If it uses propane or any flamable liquid, we cant have it. Appreciate the thoughts though. The grill we are looking at is the Charbroil Patio Bistro. Seems to run around $350. Has one neat feature that is a built in cooler in the workarea, enough for a 6 pack or so.


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Jan 15, 2002
How hot does it get? If it's touting the reflective lid, I'm suspicious of it getting hot enough to truly grill. i.e. you just might end up roasting something in it. You probably don't want to bake outside.

Here's kind of a funny grill story. I was grilling in the rain one night so I had to pull my grill under my back porch. I light it with one of those chimneys where you light the newspaper in the bottom. Well, I'm standing in my kitchen and I start hearing firetrucks outside. I think, "That's funny. I was just out lighting the grill and I didn't see anything." Long story short, a neighbor of mine saw the smoke from the newspaper and called the Fire Department. In short, my grilling has actually brought the FD to my house.

The firemen weren't happy. If the neighbor had actually stepped down off her porch and had a look, it would have been clear what was what.

I can't remember what I grilled that night.

Big grill fan too, as you guys are. I grill all year around (usually get fat steaks for Bowl games on new years day). I've actually turned down apartments because there was no place to put a grill. While I still rented, "grillability" was basically the first thing on my checklist.

I use charcoal. There's something about lighting your own fire to cook with that I really like. I don't mind the mess. I have a cast iron grate, which is nice for cooking (it holds heat better than stainless) and searing lines into the meat.


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Believe me I would love to drop $2K on a grill, even electric, but chances are this apartment we will only live in for a year or two, then its on to home buying, where I can drop that on a real grill.

I will check back with a report in the fall once I get the grill in working order.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
bust off and buy a little weber and get after it!!!! If management says anything or someone complains simply tell them you are an American, and it is your God given right to enjoy the taste of a char-broiled steak cooked in your grill on your patio. If they seem to get upset at that, the next logical step would be to threaten them with a "good ole country ass whuppin", you may get them to bite you may not. Keep in mind this will most likely be at night or on a weekend so the big boppers at the association won't be there, and the little people won't want to stir up to much trouble. They leave, you eat, have a few beers, wait for the law, if they don't show...hey you win!!!! Go ahead and grill any time you want, if the law shows tell them you don't know what they are talking about, then have a neighbor start videotaping the cops and they will leave. Once again, winner!!!! Grill away lads!


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Jan 15, 2002
fatdaddycool said:
bust off and buy a little weber and get after it!!!! If management says anything or someone complains simply tell them you are an American, and it is your God given right to enjoy the taste of a char-broiled steak cooked in your grill on your patio.
Good one, FDC. Of course, this is what I was really trying to say the whole time.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I use charcoal. There's something about lighting your own fire to cook with that I really like. I don't mind the mess. I have a cast iron grate, which is nice for cooking (it holds heat better than stainless) and searing lines into the meat
originally posted by TheShrimp

I couldn't agree more. You can't beat the taste of the open flame. I never considered it a hassle, I tried the whole gas thing and it just doesn't work for me. Why settle for second best? There is no way some one could convince me that gas tastes better. Shoot, it evens sounds nasty. The problem most people have with grilling is gender related. You want steak "but the boneless breast of chicken is what is marinating in the Italian dressing dear", "you like that don't you?'' "Look I made us a nice salad". "Oh, you aren't going to drink beer are you?". "Can't you just enjoy being with me?" "What is wrong with me, or is it the kids"? "You know what,....I don't have to do any of this crap, you are the one that wanted to grill. I told you I wanted to go out, but you said it is too much of a hassle, so here you go, buster!"
"I didn't say anything"!
"Are those stupid friggin coals ready yet or what"?
"Not quite, they aren't white enough yet".
"Why don't you get a gas grill, it would be much easier and faster".
"Whatever" "C'mon kids your father doesn't want us around".
"I never said that"!
"Daddy doesn't want us , mommy?"
"jeez" door slams.

three days later......."You spent how much on a gas grill?.....A frickin gas grill..why the hell did you do that...we don't have that kind of money" "I have to go I have a hair appointment"

Like I said ....gender related


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
If there has to be a great thing about this electric grill, it is that built into the large workarea/countertop, there is a refrigerated cooler which holds 6-8 beers.

Believe me, first perference is charcoal or gas.

Bottom line? A decent electric grill is a hell of a lot better than no grill at all.


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Jan 15, 2002
acehistr8 said:
If there has to be a great thing about this electric grill, it is that built into the large workarea/countertop, there is a refrigerated cooler which holds 6-8 beers.
My Weber has the grill built into the table top. That's a great feature. No cooler, but my grill is only about 15 feet from my fridge.

Not to make FDC jealous, but my wife bought me the grill as a present, and BABY loves it when MAN MAKE FIRE. :firing: Sounds like that wife of yours liked messing with your head a little too much, dude. :argue:

I got a big fat salmon filet waiting in the fridge that's getting tossed on that bad boy in about 3 hours from now.

The main thing about cooking with gas is that you need to spend more to get a grill that can get as hot as charcoal AND you need to burn a lot of fuel to get it there.


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Dec 1, 2000
Charlotte, NC, US
I agree Shrimp! I spent a bundle on my Lynx but it sears like none other and locks the flavor in really well. My wife loves it cause I do the cookin every night!!!! Its all stainless steel and if anyone else has stainless steel grates, I use the Japanese steakhouse method to clean it. After I cook on it, I turn off the gas and take a little bucket of water and soak a rag and wipe off the grates with a wet rag ( not dripping wet). I thought about it after we ate at a Japanese stekhouse and I was watching the clean up afterwards. It works really well.
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