I watching the news a little while ago and the greed of people in this world never ceases to amaze me. Forgive me for forgettng these 2 cats names, but one was the former CEO and the other guy was his right hand man. The "right hand man" paid himself 30 million bucks last year off of a shady deal. And then got 30 million from cashing in stock. The CEO guy cashed in 67 million in stock last year too. That combined amount would in my estimations be more than enough to cover all the retirment plans many hardworking people lost out on. What a crock of shit. Phucking greedy ass people. If I was an Enron employee that got screwed and had some money I would pay to have those 2 asshles assasinated. Sorry if I sound like a psycho but my heart really goes out those people.