ESPN cancels 'Playmakers'

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Mar 13, 2002
ESPN cancels 'Playmakers'

By CONNOR ENNIS, AP Sports Writer
February 5, 2004
ESPN was proud of ``Playmakers,'' which showed the network could produce a viable sports drama.

But the show, which focused on a fictional team and featured plots that included drug use, marital infidelity, racism and homophobia, angered the NFL. In the end, the network decided it was better to cancel the show Wednesday after one season than antagonize a longtime, and lucrative, partner.

ESPN is paying the NFL $4.8 billion over eight seasons for the rights to Sunday night games.

still, ESPN executive vice president of programming and production Mark Shapiro said the NFL did not pressure the network to cancel the show. ``Nobody charts our programming future but us,'' he said.

NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue had expressed concerns that ``Playmakers'' was one-dimensional and perpetuated racial stereotypes.

The network's partnership with the NFL continues Sunday night, when ESPN will televise the Pro Bowl.

``Now we can all move on,'' NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said.

``Playmakers'' drew praise from some critics, and its 11 episodes were watched by an average of 2 million people each Tuesday night, five times the ratings the network drew for that time slot the previous year. ESPN had aired a variety of shows in the time slot, including NFL Films, original programming like ``Sports Reporters II'' and even a college football game between Miami and Marshall.

Along with the praise, ``Playmakers'' drew criticism from players. Tampa Bay defensive tackle Warren Sapp refused to do interviews with ESPN, although he subsequently did several. By the end of the season, however, there were reports that players approached the network to inquire about roles on the show.

NFL Players Association executive director Gene Upshaw said the union didn't like the show in part because of what it felt was the stereotyping of black players. He also disagreed with ESPN's strategy of promoting ``Playmakers'' during broadcasts of NFL games.

The brouhaha over the show was not the only time ESPN stirred up controversy during the season. Radio host Rush Limbaugh resigned as a commentator on ESPN's ``Sunday NFL Countdown,'' after suggesting that Philadelphia quarterback Donovan McNabb was overrated because he's black.

Another TV-NFL conflict came during the halftime show of the Super Bowl, when Justin Timberlake ripped off a piece of Janet Jackson's clothing, revealing her breast to a national audience watching on CBS. Tagliabue called it ``offensive, embarrassing to us and our fans, and inappropriate.''

As for ``Playmakers,'' Shapiro said ESPN proved it could produce a fictional sports drama that appealed to critics and viewers. To go ahead with a second season, he said, would be ``rubbing it in the faces of our most important client.''

The network has several shows in development, Shapiro said, and hopes to announce plans for a new series within the next few months. ESPN has also produced several TV movies -- including an adaptation of the nonfiction book ``A Season on the Brink'' about Bob Knight. There's no guarantee, however, that ESPN won't run into the same problem again.

``It's a fine line to walk because we're producing dramas on sports in which many of them are partners with us,'' he said. ``It's getting your partner to understand and accept that it's not a reflection'' of their league.


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May 11, 2003
All I can say is good riddance. I saw half of one episode and I was embarrasssed for anyone associated with it. I don't think it is possible to have a worse-acted, more cliched moronville show insult viewers. I must sound like I am ranting, and I don't know why I am, but Christ that show was Stupid.
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Feb 12, 2000
I liked it. It was definitely over the top, but it wasn't any worse than the other drivel on TV right now. Give me this over just about every reality show. The acting was much better than I expected, but I was using ESPN's original movies as my guideline.:tongue


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Nov 20, 2001
Maumee, Ohio
I liked the show.........but you just knew ESPN would eventually cave to the pressure exerted by the NFL. Really I thought they way Linda Cohn reported on sportscenter was pretty good. Saying as much.:shrug:

Take care

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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Also good riddance from me. But then I don't watch any fictional drama shows and don't like so-called 'reality' shows either. Only care for news and documentaries...and of course, NFL.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
They all suck . ESPN needs to stay to the real sports not made for tv movies and junk if i want to see that i will watch a different channel. There are lots of stuff they could add and carry, better talk shows, they could run the outdoor stuff in the day like, fishing and hunting shows as well as other things, they have streatched themself out so far they have gone down, hill. Yet they want to charge more for their lack of good programming, they guy who took over thinks it is a hollywood tv set and has forgot it is a sports station.

have more shows with better break down of baseball, fb, nhl, hoops,boxing, not just a few highlights of shit on sports center. throw some of the big ski races in they are on all the time and fun to watch, more boxing full contact karate, collge wrestling, sports from other countries, hell i would even watch bowling over these stupid ass shows and espn movies, they have gone down hill bigtime and like i said way to streatched out, wrong man running the show, typical well won't say it wanabe hollywood producer running the ship, well then sell the damn thing and buy a movie studio. Fox regional stations have better sports if you have dtv and pay for them, even baseball tonight has gone down hill they don't talk about the game and teams in depth just want to show the big highlights, they could show hs games there are some damn good hs ball in all sports through-out us more college baseball on slow times fox reg has a good share for college baseball when they are on, they will show 10 games a week. better stop i am ready to rant because this station has really gone to the shits, i want break downs and inside stuff on what is going on with teams from all sports not for gambling because that is what sprts is, for espn it is a clip and some jackass saying something stupid like i wish i was white s.scott, yes net work is better in the day with mike and the maddog, all you get is a quick clip and no dialog of anything useful as in how the world of sports is break it down, they don't because over half do not have a clue about sports they read a prompter better off highering old coaches to talk longer and show film just like you do as a advance scout, they should do it with all your major sports everyday, not aghh back back back and gone long dong silver simpson drives it home. they flat out suck.

and i do like to watch the hunting and fishing shows and afl games they use to have them i like those catch them on fox sports world soccer hate it but lot of people like it , its a world sport show more of it. all kinds of sports to break down from a coaching stand point and things like that, and real talk shows a few a day. not some dumb ass made up shit. it is very bad and gets worse each year, if there is not a game on then they are hurting at times. like i said half the people there have really no clue about the basic workings of a sports, just because you played does not make you a good coach , but coaches make good people to break down games and have a talk about them not show a clip and say look at the bite on that slider, number 1 a slider does not bite a curve ball does and anyone with a clue to baseball can read the spin and tell the difference between a cb and slider and it is like this with all sports, they have a few good people but could do much better. hardley ever watch the station unless a game is on i stay to fox regionals for better info, hell saying that some of these people know sports i mean know it and break it down not read it and then explain it is just as bad as saying i am a proff reader or english professor and that is freaking sad . bottom line is they have gone down hill and away from sports to trying to be a real network not a sports network.

Here Stu go see a baseball or college fb game and you might learn something really about the game then some dumb ass crack every 7 words, least berman knows something about sports but please paint me white Stu is the cum sucker off the bottom of a whales dick, he is clueless and espn is bad plain and simple any more when it comes to flat out knowelge of a sports.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 11, 2003
Baltimore just said exactly what I've been thinking. I think the people in charge are misguided in trying to attract advertisment dollars. ESPN's business is sporting events. And judging by Playmakers, they should stay away from original programming. The storylines and plots reminded me of the Billy Crystal movie where he critiques Danny Devitos murder mystery Devito had written for a class, and Crystal, when assessing the story and who the murderer might be, comments how there are only three characters in the story, and one is murdered. Thats how trasparent these plots were in Playmakers.
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