everyone quit crying


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Forum Member
Nov 15, 2001
No more cryin' please.....bad calls happen in every game all year long....you will win with some and lose with some, I understand the venting but keep the crying to a minimum...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
the coach earned that one

the coach earned that one

1)you go for 2 after miami`s last td(in case you have to take a safety)...5 does you no good...

2)you needed one first down....he sat on the ball in the last drive...

3)you don`t call timeout with 10 seconds left....the offense has the advantage...


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
everything else aside, the 4th down pass interference call was horsebleep. Even the announcers said so and that says a great deal as you won't find too many espn second teamers willing to criticize the refs on a game deciding call. And that was a game deciding call. At least the stiffs in the NBA do their best to ensure that the players, not the zebras, determine the winners.


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Feb 8, 2001
Newberry, Florida
What are you talking about with the timeout with 10 seconds the clock was stopped anyway after an incomplete pass how does that give the offense the advantage, I could understand what you are saying if the clock was running but it wasn't.
I agree I have been on both sides of the the refs and I am not going to cry but it was a bogus call but thats the way the cookie crumbles sometimes your on the right side sometimes your not but it's only the times you are on the wrong side that you remember. Enough said lets move on cause bitching isn't going to solve anything.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


who the f-ck said a word about the officials?...i said the coach made mistakes and deserved to lose...read before you open your yap....calling a timeout gives the offense time to set things up....obviously more than just the game clock....the qb goes over to the sidelines and they have a chance to talk things out.......capece?
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Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
ok i`ll settle this for ya

70% of the blame goes to the refs for a terrible call

30% goes to the ridiculous play calling by Hep. His stupidity on play calling cost him a game against Northern Illinois...and he makes the same mistake. Why nto rollout Big Ben like you have and if he has no recievers, run it...tick tock either way...


Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
zico fwiw

zico fwiw

why do you care if people vent, cry, lament or whine (just skip over it)?

I didnt bet this game, but some of my good pals did, and I feel badly for them ... some people have lost many tuff ass beats this year, and IMO this forum is often the perfect antidote to displacing rancor, anger and emotions ... To me, behind exchanging info to beat a #, coming on here to meet, kibitz or moan, is the #2 reason people keep coming back ... for myself, Ive had a tuff year and taken many a painful loss, but knowing at times you can write it all out, express dismay, definitely helps me anyhow ... its a helluva lot better alternative than taking it out on loved ones or acting like a grump for 2 days ...

peace to all,

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Gregg above said it perfectly.

I could not agree more.

I too had MIAMI OHIO tonight and was flabberghasted at those pass interference calls. Yes, the coach made a dismal serious of calls in not trying to pick up a first down which would have ended the game and I was angry about that too (more like ballistic!). But when I saw that PI call on 4th and 3, I nearly went insane.

The value of venting here is that it is good to kow that others are thinking the same thing. Since most of the announcers and newspaper writers are too gutless to take on football hierachy and challenge these insane and unenforceable rules (has there EVER been a newspaper column written about how bad the PI rule in the NFL has become??? -- talk about cowards), it is up to the sports fan to show displeasure.

I know I am a fringe element, but I advocate ugly acts of violence at the games (re: Cleveland). Sports authorities won't get the message until people get fed up and protest. If you don't think we have power as a unified group, then I challenge you to come up with an alternative. Lay back and "take it." I'm not laying back and taking gettign raped by bad officiating and dumb rules. That's why I protest.

It has nothing to do with losing a football game. I've lost hundreds of games and thousands of dollars. Big deal. It's about making these sports accountable and preserving the integrity of the contest. When we have to hold our breaths after every pass pass for fear there wil be a yellow flag, it is not longer a game, it is a spectacale. Tonight, we saw a NCAA conference chanmpionship determined by a brainless official. What next, a Super Bowl?

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore." Scream. Yell. Educate the masses. We need numbers. There is strength in numbers. Governments have been opverthrown when enough people are angry and united.

-- Nolan Dalla


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Feb 8, 2001
Newberry, Florida


Fact of the matter is the defense has time to set up also!! But all of that is irrelevent as it should have never come down to that the powers that be wanted Marshall and not Miami of Ohio plain and simple. You can talk about the coaching all you want but that kind of officiating will beat the best of coaches. And you should take a midol CAPECE!!


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
I gotta agree with Robert when he says "the powers that be wanted Marshall and not Miami of Ohio plain and simple" Trust me, this game coulda been fixed for Marshall. Who would you rather watch on Dec 7th during the MAC Champ game...Byron Leftwich or Big Ben!?!? There`s been alot of things done for Marshall to get them exposure....

For Example...

In 2000 Toledo went 10-1 and Marshall was 7-4. The Best record is suppose to go to the Motor City Bowl...but the MAC Commish took a HUGE hit for the MAC and gave the Motor City Bowl $200,000 to take Marshall rather then Toledo or Western Michigan....all to see Chad Pennington.

This Marshall program shouldnt be as good in years to come since they cheat, and the NCAA has reduced scholarships and all that probation stuff...


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Nov 8, 2000
Birmingham, AL USA
As bad as the officials call on that 4th and 3 was, let's go back a couple minutes.
This whole entire game was back and forth and both teams knew that they could pass all day long and find receivers whenever they wanted. After Marshall couldn't get in the zone with under three minutes left, what does miami do? They ****ing sit on the ball and put the W in the hands of their DEFENSE? After that, you may as well have left the field regardless of the officials screwing us at the end. That was the worst coaching I've seen in a while. I gurantee you Miami Oh could've picked up a touchdown if they would've just aired it out. Yes, it risking throwing interceptions and stopping the clock, but I would've rather taken that gamble than depend on my defense which looked like inflatable dolls the entire game. Some of these coaching calls and official calls really do make you wonder sometime....

Tony Soprano


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Sep 10, 2001
hellah - Here's an even better example which deals directly with Miami and you may remember:

In 1998-99 Miami won their first game @UNC and went 10-1 that season. YET it was UNC, which went 6-5, that was picked over Miami for the last bowl appearance...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


people took a hard loss here...they needed to vent...as nolan said,this IS the appropriate place to do it...for you to come on here and call me out for venting after a tough loss is begging for trouble...all the guys that rub salt in the wounds of guys that take tough losses like last night`s are obviously taking out their own frustrations from behind the safety of a keyboard...be thankful for that..capece....this is not the first time you have jumped in on a guy`s thread with inappropriate negativity...it`s not appreciated..i`m sure you have never lamented a tough loss...some advice...think before you step on your fellow posters to make yourself feel good....hittng a guy when he`s down can come back to bite you on the ass...


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2002
Little Rock,Ar.
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Listen guy's, It's not crying!!!!!!! We talk about games before,during and after they are over.The line movement,the secrecy about Leftwich playing or not,and then the obvious Tweaking of the game by the officials is something to talk about.I hear some of you saying you win someand lose some.I promise you will lose more than win when the zebra's start controlling the outcome.If you followed the line movement,it's obvious to anyone there was serious money on Miami.So there were alot more losers than winner's.If you were fortunate enough to be a winner last night,I don't respect you for crowing about it.You were very fortunate.You probably had the Saints on sunday and had that one all figured out also. If your handicapping involves a defensive touchdown with no time left,or getting 2 pass interference in the endzone at the end of a game,or better yet,backing a young back-up QB in a nationally televised championship game,well I bet your man LOVES YOU!!!!!!.If you did have those games ,please post your selections this weekend,I will payfor my families Christmas fading you.
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Forum Member
Nov 12, 2002
theres a difference between the saints/panthers game and the marshall/miami game.

saints got worked the whole game. were set to lose outirght, then scored. THEN got a miracle.

comparing that to the marshall game is ridiculous, where marshall was leading for 55:00 of the 60:00. marshall controlled the entire game and forced miami to play catch up.

and if people knew "the powers that be" wanted marshall, then either lay off the game or play marshall.

i learned that a long time ago. some teams you have to learn to either play ON or just pass their games completely.

good example is florida with spurrier. i love that guy. he is a money coach and i learned to either play ON him or just sit and watch.

everyone knows he's gonna try and run it up. why put yourself through the misery of hoping "he doesnt run it up" by fading a guy who wants to bury you.

same with duke in hoops, especially in cameron. big deal if you have a +16 dog in a game thats tied at halftime. duke is still gonna try and bury you by 25+ in the 2h.

if you knew powers that be wanted marshall, then why back a dog that has no chance, especially in a place that marshalls won 46 of 47 times SU?

by no means am i saying "you shoulda played marshall"
given what youre saying- you knew miami had no chance vs the refs or the herd tradition, so just pass the game and wait till saturday


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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2001
What does this tell the young men involved in this game?

"You're effort don't mean shit we will decide if you win or lose?"

Great life lesson?



Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 10, 2001
michaeljbird - Agree with everything you said except for the part about buying gifts for the family. I think we would make enough where I could buy presents for my whole family and still have enough to buy Chanukah gifts for all of my Jewish friends:D
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2002
Little Rock,Ar.
I didn't say "I KNEW" they were going to get hosed.If I did I would have bet the house on Marshall.I'm just saying,in handicapping a game if you are smart enough to factor in Flag's and fluke play's for winner's,try posting the information BEFORE the game not AFTER it's over!!!!!! Have some class when you win.It's said that nothing is worse than a sore loser. I disagree,Nothing is more abrasive than a sore winner.
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