Excellent article about Capitalism reducing poverty

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Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
You have absolutely got to be kidding me. I am not saying whether I agree or disagree with the sentiments in this article, but it is clearly 100% propaganda. It is exactly the opposite of what I would call responsible reporting. Click on the author's webpage from this article and it will tell you all that you need to know about this guy. He is promoting his beliefs without any regard for the actual issues that make sub-Saharan or Arab countries impoverished financially.

What a horrible, horrible article. I hope any of you that read it have the good sense to seek out unbiased reporting on these issues or at least biased reporting that presents the other side of the story so that you can sort things out for yourself.



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Aug 10, 1999
Northridge, CA, USA
I guess you can be the first to call me an idiot...

I guess you can be the first to call me an idiot...

...because I don't see how this is propoganda or irresponsible reporting, unless one considers commentary in general as propoganda and expects all commentators to be reporters. Balko sources three separate, well-researched studies to support his positions, which he provides links for in this article.

As far as "the actual issues" regarding sub-Saharan or Arab countries, he says "The last half-century has seen an Arab world increasingly hostile to capitalism, particularly to property rights and trade. Consequently, the last half-century has also seen an Arab world lapsing further and further behind the rest of humanity. Arab industrial labor output was at 32 percent of North American output in 1960. By 1990, it had fallen to just 19 percent." The peritinence of this statement is the comparison to the rest of the world, which has moved away from various forms of totalitarianism toward open markets and freedom, has become more prosperous. He also provides data to back it up.

About his website, what's the big deal? It is just a website full of this guy's opinions and links to other sites that he likes - newspapers, opinions, sports, humor, etc. In fact, I am in the very slow process of putting up a site myself of things about me and what I like. Should I reconsider?

Someone please educate me if there is something I am missing.

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
His article is in response to protests by anti-globalization groups. He is completely missing the point of those protests.

As far as the author of the article, he is a 27 year old liberal bachelor who actually lists his dog as a living companion. The views expressed in his article are exactly the views that fit the agenda of 27 year old liberal bachelors. Even if one is writing an editorial there is still a responsibility to portray the issue fairly. He is taking the Western point of view and skirting the real issue that the protesters are up in arms over.



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Aug 10, 1999
Northridge, CA, USA
For one thing, I don't judge the merits of someone's points of view on his or her personal lifestyle. Also, he is not being irresponsible. He is a pro-Capitalist commentator that supports a global economy and free trade and presents why. He is not a reporting reporting a story and giving a slant to it.


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Nov 9, 2000
I also tend to agree with the article. Although capitalism is not perfect, it is the best system out there, as Russia has discovered.

I also agree that the Arab world is mostly hostile towards capitalism.The dictators of these Arab countries keep all the money for themselves, control the newsmedia, & blame others for their people being poor. Steering the attention away from them.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Not sure I understand why you have a problem with this guy expressing his OPINION in this matter, Nick. Maybe you could enlighten us as to why he is totally missing the point as to what the anti-gobilization groups are protesting.

Also have no idea why you have a problem with him being 27 and liberal. I read this thing a dozen times and I believe this guy to be as far from liberal as I am from being a conservative. If this guy was liberal, he'd be singing the praises of the protesters-- yet he spends the whole piece setting up his quite simplistic dismissal of their prostests in the last paragraph of the article.

You make no sense in your arguements against this guys column. I agree with timbo when he says that this guy is pro-capitalism and his article is simply expressing his opinion on this particular subject.

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
AR182, you simply don't have an understanding of why so many Muslims are displeased with the West. It really has nothing to do with hoarding money.

My point is that anti-globalization protests have nothing to do with poverty or any other financially related issue. Either the author of the article A) doesn't understand that, or B) understands that and chooses to take advantage of Americans' general lack of knowledge towards the anti-globalization movement to forward his own personal agenda.

In my opinion it is probably just that the guy doesn't understand what the protests are about, and therefore he is pointing out the financial prosperity brought on by capitalism as a way to vent over his frustration with those who don't support Western imperialism.

If people want to write pro-globalization columns, fine. Do it. But don't use a protest that has nothing to do with economics to forward your own economic agenda. That is pure propoganda, not journalism and not even responsible editorial.

I didn't want to go in depth, but at this point I feel I have to. Anti-globalization protests aren't about money, they are about lifestyle. When capitalism and the Western lifestyle invades a country, culture goes out the window. At the altar of financial prosperity society becomes looser with its moral values and strays further from its more religious foots. As I said earlier, I am not taking a position one way or another here, I am just pointing out why people protest globalization.

The author of that article wrote not a single thing about any of the actual concerns that anti-globalization protesters have, rather he went off on his own feelings on why capitalism rules. Remember, folks, capitalism has been the dominant ruling culture for a whopping 200 years. Just like every other form of rule it will have its day in the sun and be replaced eventually. I know that may be an incendiary statement to some but anyone with a thorough knowledge of history probably would support that statement.

If the author wrote a piece supporting capitalism and explaining why valuing money over religion or culture was the way to go, I wouldn't have had a problem with the column. It would have been a legitimate response to the concerns of the protesters. Instead, he completely ignored the real issue and chose to write a propaganda piece endorsing his own capitalist views.

The relevance to his age, marital status, political views and penchant to elevate animals to human status is because those are all traits of the types of strong capitalist supporters who tend to go to great lengths to promote the Western agenda. Let me tell you, you will not find too many 27 year old bachelors that consider their pet a member of the household in countries where religion and culture are valued over money.

My apologies for getting a rant on this subject. I don't mean to come in here pushing any agenda of my own other than trying to let folks know that the guy who wrote this piece is writing propaganda, not editorial journalism.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country

Well put. LMAO at your reply.


wow, a huge ego to go along with your tiny intellect. Not suprised, as thats how it usually works with those that are never wrong about things that they know so little about.


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Nov 9, 2000
I'm sorry but I didn't get a chance to finish my previous post, was interupted by a phone call.

Right now I don't have the time to get into why the terrorists hate us. All I will say is that IMO,except for the leaders of Muslim countries & Alqaeda,these terrorists don't see any future for themselves. Instead of blaming themselves, these leaders are directing their people's problems towards the Western culture & economic policies. Of course I could talk about their hatred towards the Christian & Jewish religions, the US support of Israel, & other things but have no time.Maybe at another time.



Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Wealth is the only remedy for poverty? Wow how brilliant. Article seems rather unremarkable to me.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Most leaders in Islamic countries are wealthy beyond all means....they use their religion to keep the oppressed oppressed....and divert the social ills by blaming the industrialized world -- mainly the US....works to keep them in power and filthy rich.....anyone who brings opposition is tortured/maimed/klled/family raped and killed etc.......

Those in power -- Hussein, Arafat, King of Syria, etc, do not necessarily hate the west.....but instead they love their power.....and they love evil.....Hussein raised his kids by taking them to the torture chambers and having them witness most gruesome acts of violence....now Hussein's kids -- which may be even worse than daddy -- employ the same mechanism......they are evildoers and have let power, greed, and wickedness manifest in themselves to a extent far beyond most people's comprehension.....

They use Islam as a means to control their society and rile up hatred for the US as a means to unify.....focus the energy of the people away from themselves and feign that they are "for the people".......you tell the people that long enough and convincingly enough and take away all other means of communication and they will start to believe your tale......and the people themselves, instead of revolting against this either do not have the courage to stand up for freedom, liberty and justice or just have their eyes shut to it all....i am not sure as to which.....

then this breeds guys like Bin Ladin.....guys who have been raised in such hatred all their life and have it manifested in themselves......they tell themselves lies and make others believe them....lies become truth once again......

meanwhile us Americans try to support the world on our shoulders and maintain stability because we stick up for those who are downtrodden and oppressed....we put billions of $$, time, effort and energy to send out our people all over the globe and work with them and for them.....and what do we get for it? Terrorist attacks.....and the rest of the world -- who we bailed out time and again thumbing their noses at us.......simply amazing.....

They say we live in "corporate greed".....well folks......"corporate greed" built this country......it has defeated communism and tyrants, given freedom to millions, given food to millions, given jobs to millions, and made this country the most diverse, most wealthy, and most influential country to ever exist.....and also we look out not only for our own citizens -- but for every citizen on this planet......if their is something wrong in some part of the world -- you can better believe that most of us -- even those "corrupt" politicians -- feel utmost sympathy and compassion for those in need.....and we do the best we can to fix it.....

And it is infuriating to me that Euro's and other countries will not wholeheartedly support us in trying to free the people of Iraq, rid the world of a murderous and terrorist regime -- BEFORE he kills millions of us, and YES put the supply of the oil fields into the hands of someone who has a heart for other people instead of a heart for power.....and if we could get oil into the hands of a capitalist Iraq -- the people would be fed, jobs would be created, and yet another economy could be taken from the 3rd world "lets throw rocks at each other" environment and put into modern times......

slim pickins

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Apr 2, 2002
There is nothing I like more than reading a long, condescending, inconsistent rant supported with pseudo-sophisticated non-sequiturs.

I enjoyed both the article and the responses.

Long? Didn't take too long for me to read through it.

Condescending? I don't believe Nick displayed a patronizingly superior attitude. This is an issue where viewpoints can be construed as such. Depends on which way you lean.

Inconsistent? Seemed logical to me. You want inconsistant? Try explaining to me what kind of Capatalist system we have. An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market. I see where Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, et al, accumulated profits, but they reinvested those profits in the form of off shore bank accounts and lien-free palatial compounds in Florida and Texas for the Chief Corporate Assholes (too bad the stockholders became the ass-wipes). How's that for a non-sequitur? :)

Pseudo-sophisticated non-sequiturs? Bring more of it on baby! This is good stuff. The beauty of this country is to be able to get informed on both sides of an issue. Read, educate, get involved!

Good dialogue gentlemen! Dr. Freeze, I'll tell Gordon Gecko you said hi! ;)


Forum Member
Jul 24, 2001
To make it short and simple, I loved reading all the responses. Again, I will point out that we all will have various opinions, and they are not necessarily right or wrong....


Have a good day!

Thanks for the replies, I learned a few things!


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
First off, I didn't read the article so I am really only commenting on the comments. That alone marks me as an idiot. However, in Dr. Freeze's last post, can anyone argue with anything stated in the first 2 paragraphs? If so, please illuminate me. It is awfully hard, just in my opinion, to argue with any points he has made. I would love to her those of you who favor socialism, I mean, globalization, to point out where he is wrong. Very interesting subject and I admit, like most Americans, I don't have tremendous knowledge in this area. Anxious to hear responses.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
slim pickins said:

Inconsistent? Seemed logical to me. You want inconsistant? Try explaining to me what kind of Capatalist system we have. An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market. I see where Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, et al, accumulated profits, but they reinvested those profits in the form of off shore bank accounts and lien-free palatial compounds in Florida and Texas for the Chief Corporate Assholes (too bad the stockholders became the ass-wipes). How's that for a non-sequitur? :)

Good dialogue gentlemen! Dr. Freeze, I'll tell Gordon Gecko you said hi! ;)

and now you are going to HOPEfully see a JUSTICE system where people from Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, et al who commit crimes go to jail and rot in there.....but unfortunately our liberal courts consistently fail to enforce justice these days so we will see what happens......
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