FG R:10


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Good luck

Good luck

Good Luck, Hammy. I'll checkem out.

Take a look at the "magic" in the last race.at Philly today... top contenders are the magic exata nos.; you know what thems are :) Maybe you can figure a better way to playem?

Let me know what day you'll be around.

Ut oh... get ready for a wolf or fox stampede, think I hear them coming already :eek:.
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Mar 4, 2000
Sacramento, CA
Hi Jimbo,

Hope your're staying warm in Fl. It's been brrr weather in CA.

Parx: Gonna use the 8-Battle Harbour, 5- Sinatra's Dancer with the "magic numbers"..


PS: GO NINERS....dang homer


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Dec 15, 2005
Oh yeah, I know what Brrr is all about, coming from N.J. It's been warm down here.. actually warmer than normal for the past week plus (low 80's).

Better days ahead.


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Dec 15, 2005
I am really getting a bit disgusted; yeah, I got a propensity to do that :(..

HAMmerd the 2-6 box and played the no. 6 with 5 others with $4 zactas. BUT NOT THE 3!

Other stuff happened today too.. worser! You know, like write down 4 horses while thinking about playing a Zuppa... didn't even put 10 stinkin cents on them... . . . and you know the rest. 6th race.

And for the finale - just blew a $19 hoss and the no. 2 just quite didn't (barely) have enough to get 2nd. SMNABEACH !


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Dec 15, 2005
Hammy, having a terrible time with the nags lately, picking wieners like crazy and just betting wrong. TERRIBLE.

Bad card today, Monday. BUT, there are 3 LONGshots (30-1 morning liners) in the 5th race that tell me that ANY one of them may just hit the board and even could be a surprise WIENER :)

BIG problem is separating them :(

Let's just watch this one and see what happens. Maybe I'm just grouping for longshots after what I've been going through.

HOPE it warmed up a little on the West coast for ya. Low 80s everyday at this end.



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Mar 4, 2000
Sacramento, CA
Hey Jimbo,
"picking wieners like crazy and just betting wrong. TERRIBLE"

I understand your frustrations. We have been programed to minimized our exposure of our bankroll so our ROI increases. Same thing with my selection from above. I posted the best possible exacta box for everyone which didn't come through, but did play insurance combos.

GL today.


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Dec 15, 2005
5th at Filly

5th at Filly

Happy to report that the track helped sorting out those 3 LONGshots I wrote about in the 5th. Each one was 30-1 M.L.
They were no. 2 ,Super Cami, no. 3, Passin Promises, and no. 5, Change the Verdict.

Planned to just watch the race, but wth the no. 5 (actually the one that I kinda liked best) getting scratched they made the race PLAYable for me. Just wheeled the two remaining ones, TOP n BOT. Taking no more chances of getting burnt these days by leaving out ANY body.

Good race, well except for the fact that the no.3 went down after leading for most of the race. That one went off at 61-1. Cami, needed only maybe 5 more yds. of racetrack and she woulda won the race; maybe LESS. She came home like Lassie. at 29 to 1 and was gaining on the race winner with every stride. Finish was fairly close.

The race winner paid $8.20 but it looks like my winning ticket had plenty of company at the cashier. NO Philly "bonus payoff" on this one :( cause zackta only returned $116.20. I gladly accepted it though due to what's been going on around here lately.

Thinkin that I shoulda realized that the right one was CAMI, Hammi :).


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Dec 15, 2005
edited to add 9th race and other stuff

edited to add 9th race and other stuff

ALRIGHT, Hogman came through with that pick. Maybe you brought me some luck, HM. :0056

I'll be playing my NEW Zuppafecta "system" for the 9th. It really isn't a system at all, just try to hit the 4 top ones anyway you can.

I don't post them though (dang, Moochers). But I will letyas know how I did if you want.

Last time I'm ask ya this one HM," Can you get a bet in with only about 2 or 3 minutes notice?".

Good luck with them footballers, I've been picking fewer winners with the NFL than with the horses but WINNING MORE. Dang, hosses just don't wanna line up right at the fluckin finish line OR I think about playing a Zuppa but cannot find a 5th horse to include in my stinkin 10 cent Zuppa... .and I sho ain't gonna pick 4 ZUPPA hosses COLD, so what do I do....

Play the ole 1,2 top/bot 3,4 and how do the motha jumpers finish? 1-2-3-4 OF COURSE. Wind up holding a worthless ticket and watch a very nice Zuppa payout. Oh there's much more; I don't wanna even think about what's been going on around here lately. HOPING, it's turning around TODAY. So far.. so good. .


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Dec 15, 2005
Here we go... no. 4 is a bit of a looker in this 9th race... AND he ain't in my Zuppas which I already put in. :violin:

JUST NOTICED, looks like i got saved, the no. 7 is scratched and that one was in ALL my Zuppas. :0064


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Dec 15, 2005
Sorry, it's pretty late even though they havn't started to load... looks like 1,2,4 are the nos.


Just gonna edit this one instead of doing a regular reply. Looks like a hoss I LUVED the last time she ran decided to run today (Bet on Ruthie) 4 to 1. I'll cash something with my no. 4 across the board bet, but will prob. wind up coming out even for this race.

UT... WAIT.... no. 4 is claiming foul against the wiener :eek:

Hold on...
. (while I'm waiting.. here's another something I just gotta tellyas (I think the Moochers/Peepers are more interested in these tales of horror rather than the picks, anyways)... On one day last week, the races are done, I just got home and look at my notes and see that I "liked" the winners on 4 of the 5 races I played. Didn't remember exactly how I played em. Go to my report and find that my ONLY wiener was a stinkin 5 dollar bet on a 10-1 (M.L.) shot. Can you believe it paid SIX stinkin dollars and some change??) UGH!
(keeping this thing open till they decide WAZZUP)

Still, a much better day today ESP. considering the lousy card. .
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