5th at Filly
5th at Filly
Happy to report that the track helped sorting out those 3 LONGshots I wrote about in the 5th. Each one was 30-1 M.L.
They were no. 2 ,Super Cami, no. 3, Passin Promises, and no. 5, Change the Verdict.
Planned to just watch the race, but wth the no. 5 (actually the one that I kinda liked best) getting scratched they made the race PLAYable for me. Just wheeled the two remaining ones, TOP n BOT. Taking no more chances of getting burnt these days by leaving out ANY body.
Good race, well except for the fact that the no.3 went down after leading for most of the race. That one went off at 61-1. Cami, needed only maybe 5 more yds. of racetrack and she woulda won the race; maybe LESS. She came home like Lassie. at 29 to 1 and was gaining on the race winner with every stride. Finish was fairly close.
The race winner paid $8.20 but it looks like my winning ticket had plenty of company at the cashier. NO Philly "bonus payoff" on this one

cause zackta only returned $116.20. I gladly accepted it though due to what's been going on around here lately.
Thinkin that I shoulda realized that the right one was
CAMI, Hammi
