Final Card


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
The most important thread that anyone will read in this forum is Spanky's concerning money management. This is not the game to get back to even and certainly as the end of the season is here, you want to protect your profits more than ever.

Cannot wait for tomorrow. Italian Beef and Saw-seeg is in the fridge with some Toscano rolls in the bread basket. 2 shrimp trays from Bob Chinn's is also in the fridge and a friend will be bringing over 2 trays of enchiladas and chips and guacomole from his restaurant. Hops and Barley are chilling from the fine folks in Latrobe, Pennsylvania and I couldn't be happier. This is one of my favorite day's of the year.

St. Louis - 14 5 Units
already discussed this one earlier in the week

St. Louis -7 Over 46 -130 3 Units
I think that the Rams get out early when their experience will show up most. But even if the Pats get pounded early, they have the moxy to make a run. Which will only make Martz put up more points.

St. Louis -3 1Q -130 1 Unit
As above, the Rams experience will show in the first quarter. If New England get the ball first, they will try their ball-control game and the Rams will go for the jugular early.

St. Louis -21.5 +260 1/2 Unit

St. Louis to win by 37+ +2000 1/2 Unit
Think there is value in the amount that this game tends to turn into a celebration once its over as one team can't wait to get off the field and the other wants everyone to get a Super Bowl TD

R. Proehl to score first TD +1500 1/2 Unit
Belichek's M.O. is to take away your biggest threat. Somebody's going to be uncovered and who has more underwhelming talent on the Rams then Proehl. Like the price.

R. Proehl Over 16 yards receiving - 115 2 Units
As above, You've got to leave somebody open. Proehl has gone under 16 yards receiving in only 4 games this year and he would have gone 16-0-1 at this number in 2000. Throw in the fact that he's an ex-Bear and this is the guy that I'm keying my prop bets on.

Tails +100 1 unit
Wrote about this in a thread earlier in the week. Usually only do this for 1/2 unit, but I bet this with a friend (and yes, I explained to him the case for tails before I agreed to take his money...This is the guy that used to come into my dorm room 5 minutes before kickoff back in College and ask me if I wanted to bet the Monday Night game. He didn't care who was playing, he just wanted to fade me. He won 14 straight in '92, I was so bad back then)

And just in case everything that I think about this game is wrong(which happens in about 9 out of every 20 games I cap)

New England Pk +550 1 1/2 Units

Good Luck and enjoy the day and the new Britney commercial


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 16, 2000
At the bar
I really like the Ricky Proehl prop. I think the DBs will key on Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce which leaves the option of throwing to the tight end and Ricky Proehl.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
As bad as the Rams played, I had a worse effort than they did. Just when you think you got it all figured out then . . . BBAAAMMMM.

Congrats to the Pats and their backers. I'm not wagering on another football game for at least 6 months :D

See everyone next season
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