Finally someone steps up who New about W during Nam era..


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
I am baffled,

I sure am glad they changed the laws nowdays so that congressmen and senators can not magically appoint people into military service.


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Jun 18, 2002
Doesn't it seem strange that I mean Fox News and right wing radio have been talking about the book by those ;ying vets every single day, almost on the hour, but they never mention this. And I thought they were fair and balanced. And why isn't the liberal media running with this?


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
The part I like is---
"Barnes said he became ashamed after walking through the Vietnam Memorial and looking at the names of the dead."

Get a fuking life--Barnes

--1st I believe Daddy Bush would have had plenty of pull without needing any assistance.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Won't make any diff--Don't think anyone would be naive enough to think those with political clout or from affluent familys wouldn't get preferential treatment in getting in the guard---and he certainly hasn't made it his political resume.


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Jun 18, 2002
Dogs, spin it however you like but Bush claims to have supported his countries position in that awful war. In other words he thought it was a good war for someone else to fight! And to think these Lying Swift Boat Vets have their collective panties all in a bunch because Kerry Protested the war when he came back. This is disgraceful. Bush dresses up in a flight jacket and has pictures taken serving the soldiers a plastic turkey on Thanksgiving. Yeah, a great commander in chief!


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
And to think these Lying Swift Boat Vets have their collective panties all in a bunch because Kerry Protested the war when he came back.

Yep they are all lying and he and a handful of others are telling the truth

and speaking of spin--I have yet to see one vet including myself diss him for protesting the war---its his anology of the veterns that served there--especially in light of his self nominations of scratches and self inflicted injuries to get the hell out of dodge in 4 months---when he found as he states himself the Swft Boats were not the safe avenue when he volunteered due to transfer of assignment to the Delta.


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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Well put DJV, well put. Wayne, come on. Give it up. If I didn't know better, I would think you were a lawyer defending a basically undefensible position.

Are you conceeding that Bush intentionally, and I mean intentionally ducked Viet Nam by using his family's power to land in the National Guard? Simple yes or no will do. Don't go off on how Kerry has made it the central theme of his campaign, just a yes or no will do.



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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Bush protested the Nam war by not going."
"Well put DJV, well put."

Love this liberal logic :)

Makes about as much sense as saying everyone who participated in it supported it.

"Are you conceeding that Bush intentionally, and I mean intentionally ducked Viet Nam by using his family's power to land in the National Guard? Simple yes or no will do."

I answered my view on that many times already Edward--for a simple yes or no the answer would be yes.

I am quite sure he had no desire as many other to go to Viet Nam and coming from influential family he definately had edge on many on taking the only other recourse other than deferments of joining quard---but as I also stated joining Navy in war where enemy has no naval or airforce would be the next safest assignment. Kerry's volunteering for Swift Boats has 2 points of interest.1st it is automatic advancement to commader where he would have went no where on large ship. By his own admission when he
volunteered for Swift Boat duty they where in benign area with little or no contact--only once he was assigned did the move the Swift Boats to the delta. So his hoopla he's been trying to instill about volunteering for hazardous duty floats only with the uninformed. Now apon further inspection lets see what proceeds after he is unfortunate to be thrown into position of harm."HE" applies for 3 purple hearts on scratches,some unitentially self inflicted and gets out of nam in 4 months. His 1st one coming only days after being assigned--however 11 days prior to him writing in his journal that he had yet not been involved in contact.
This is yours and DJV's courageous hero--and while you classify one who joins armed forces as fighter pilot to avoid viet nam as a protester how would you then define Slick--who by the way was delivering a sermon at a church yesterday on morals and values,believe Jesse was across the street giving one on family values :) Slick also was interviewed by Geraldo where he adamantly stated the Swift Boat people were" bearing false witness" against Kerry while at the same time giving the viewers the ole scowl and finger wave he is noted for in his testimonies of truth ;)


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Jun 18, 2002
Once again they try to defend Bush by putting down someone else. In this case they put down a guy who actually wqent to war. But he didn't go enough. Why doesn't someone defend Bush getting political favors to get into The Guard and avoid a war he claims to be in favor of without mentioning someone else. Also, doesn't the fact that he thought it was a good war speak volumns about how he can't tell a good war from a bad one.? At least Kerry had the brains to protest that disgraceful conflict.
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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Dogs, I agree with much of what you have posted. However, I recall Kerry saying "he enlisted, or he volunteered", but I never recall him saying anywhere "I VOLUNTEERED FOR HAZARDOUS DUTY".

and I'm not sure how you could possibly say gw "joined the air force as a fighter pilot". Didn't he leave and never show up again? Reportedly refusing to take a physical?

c Man, of course Bush has made no claims about his military service trying to make himself look better, he pretty much went AWOL. HOW DO you possibly make that have you look better? In fact though what he did do was have people go to the base and sanitize his records so nobody will find the coward he was. Several officers are on record about this record sanitation.

As dogs has said for several months Kerry no question glorified and exaggerated his service. However I don't think anybody there questioned while HE WAS THERE he didn't serve bravely courageous and honorablely, save the exaggerations. He served his crew pretty well, as none were killed in a pretty dangerous area. I don't see any way possible how Kerry & Bush country service can possibly be compared. I also realize and feel veterans have a absolute right to feel betrayed or what have you regarding his service after the war. I don't feel others whom have never serve the country have the right to judge him regarding this behavior, as time has proven the war was without question a terrible circumstance from the start. As I stated before most veterans in my State that have taken the time to get to know him support the Senator now.
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