Finally the cra[s system worked two days in ac nj


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
wasnt supposed be there two days but i just had to took nap in car from 8:30 till 11:30

Stared at Delaware park to play craps only there until closing well NO CRAPS open...

Decide to go to AC bad move taking Del memorial braidge to use 40 east NEVEREVER DO IT Guys 40 east loaded with cops and detours 3 times 70 miles trip took 1 hr 40

Startinhg bank was $370 10$ minmum table at Oceans eeeeh was down $150 1st hour n half becuse of me placing the 5 6 8 n field thats $44 got wacked with 7 outs fast.


Take break for 1/2 hour refocus played again NO more throwing dice just make the bets NO action if hit with any narural.

Smooth sailng for 3 hours wind up up $250 bank now at $620 switching casinos now went to golden nugget eeeeeeeeeeeepppp 1 table $25 minmum about face gone

ok where to go now ahhhhh harrahs in marina table was $15 minimum ok

played for 3 hours won $150 because there was only 5 of us at table bank now at $770

ok now it's like 5 am or later i forget go to hard rock 1 table at $15 minimum

7 of us playing i'm done at 8:30 am stayed there slept in car till 11:30 wife is angry cursed me out on phone

sleep in passenger side because of steering wheel seats go flat back like a bed.

OK go to 7-11 get coffee and free STOK caffine booster it's like the meth of caffine 4 mg of caffine

I add 2 of them and boom im good for 8 hours.

decide to go to Cesars eeehhh 1 game $25 minimum no thanks walk over to ballys ah $10 minmum table

played for 3 hours stuck strong with system WIN $305 OMG i got my orginal bank back now PLUS $75

$1075 bank account has $95 in savings and Only $300 left in checking

ok out i go and fugging cant find car in Parking garage it's so tough in ceasars you need to take a video when walking in casino .......... marked on paper where i was parked exactly but thought i went up ramp two over from elevator ..........

DOPE i didnt go up ramp i was parked at end wall direct from elevators 10 cars in

like this ELEVATORS .............................................................................ME here

hit my alarm button heard car go off turned around and laughed took me 1/2 hour to find it

aint done guys 1 more now it's only like 8 pm tues...

Borgata i head for but full table 8 of us thats the large table more than 14 ft ...

This table was hot almost every shooter made 2 - 4 points holding dice 10 minutes or more

ok yes do not wins but im saying after 1/2 hour fugg it go for it pass line double odds in back and all place bets no filed bet because 5 6 8 i lose the fieled only win like $6

i pressed all place bets 1 unit 3 times 2 hours and im done i won huge i mean this was dream land $585 more yes some players did the PSO that stunk losing like $75 in 30 secs

but im like wow ..i get home wife was asleep so next morning wakes me up and is slapping me on my arm so did you lose all your money ..........nope i won she sanps back it doesent make it right what you did to me .....i told her if u would of came with me to delawre park casino like you were supposed to i wouldnt have done that.

SO Today i told her lets go to harrahs and you do not need to take any money i give you $200

BUT last time i was there only 1 table open I get spot and GASP $50 mini. I said wtf is this real I cant play here i only have $250 ....

Shoud have went stright down to ac but it's late 12 midnite played slots and lost it all.

SO now i have all this cash but im not taking it all in with me only $200 rest is in car IF crap table is at normal $15 or even $25 i play .....

JUst think guys $50 minimum you DP $50 and lay odds Place point for more like i cant think how much on 6-8 ooooo yes wait let me figure this out yup here it is DP $50 lay $12 wins $10 Place point for $54 Wins $63 you lay out is $116 7 out you get back $122 points made you get back $117 ewwwwwwwwwww

you really want 7 out now win $6 and guys it's quick most players only get to throw dice 5 times actual action time is maybe 1 min



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 18, 2002
wasnt supposed be there two days but i just had to took nap in car from 8:30 till 11:30

Stared at Delaware park to play craps only there until closing well NO CRAPS open...

Decide to go to AC bad move taking Del memorial braidge to use 40 east NEVEREVER DO IT Guys 40 east loaded with cops and detours 3 times 70 miles trip took 1 hr 40

Startinhg bank was $370 10$ minmum table at Oceans eeeeh was down $150 1st hour n half becuse of me placing the 5 6 8 n field thats $44 got wacked with 7 outs fast.


Take break for 1/2 hour refocus played again NO more throwing dice just make the bets NO action if hit with any narural.

Smooth sailng for 3 hours wind up up $250 bank now at $620 switching casinos now went to golden nugget eeeeeeeeeeeepppp 1 table $25 minmum about face gone

ok where to go now ahhhhh harrahs in marina table was $15 minimum ok

played for 3 hours won $150 because there was only 5 of us at table bank now at $770

ok now it's like 5 am or later i forget go to hard rock 1 table at $15 minimum

7 of us playing i'm done at 8:30 am stayed there slept in car till 11:30 wife is angry cursed me out on phone

sleep in passenger side because of steering wheel seats go flat back like a bed.

OK go to 7-11 get coffee and free STOK caffine booster it's like the meth of caffine 4 mg of caffine

I add 2 of them and boom im good for 8 hours.

decide to go to Cesars eeehhh 1 game $25 minimum no thanks walk over to ballys ah $10 minmum table

played for 3 hours stuck strong with system WIN $305 OMG i got my orginal bank back now PLUS $75

$1075 bank account has $95 in savings and Only $300 left in checking

ok out i go and fugging cant find car in Parking garage it's so tough in ceasars you need to take a video when walking in casino .......... marked on paper where i was parked exactly but thought i went up ramp two over from elevator ..........

DOPE i didnt go up ramp i was parked at end wall direct from elevators 10 cars in

like this ELEVATORS .............................................................................ME here

hit my alarm button heard car go off turned around and laughed took me 1/2 hour to find it

aint done guys 1 more now it's only like 8 pm tues...

Borgata i head for but full table 8 of us thats the large table more than 14 ft ...

This table was hot almost every shooter made 2 - 4 points holding dice 10 minutes or more

ok yes do not wins but im saying after 1/2 hour fugg it go for it pass line double odds in back and all place bets no filed bet because 5 6 8 i lose the fieled only win like $6

i pressed all place bets 1 unit 3 times 2 hours and im done i won huge i mean this was dream land $585 more yes some players did the PSO that stunk losing like $75 in 30 secs

but im like wow ..i get home wife was asleep so next morning wakes me up and is slapping me on my arm so did you lose all your money ..........nope i won she sanps back it doesent make it right what you did to me .....i told her if u would of came with me to delawre park casino like you were supposed to i wouldnt have done that.

SO Today i told her lets go to harrahs and you do not need to take any money i give you $200

BUT last time i was there only 1 table open I get spot and GASP $50 mini. I said wtf is this real I cant play here i only have $250 ....

Shoud have went stright down to ac but it's late 12 midnite played slots and lost it all.

SO now i have all this cash but im not taking it all in with me only $200 rest is in car IF crap table is at normal $15 or even $25 i play .....

JUst think guys $50 minimum you DP $50 and lay odds Place point for more like i cant think how much on 6-8 ooooo yes wait let me figure this out yup here it is DP $50 lay $12 wins $10 Place point for $54 Wins $63 you lay out is $116 7 out you get back $122 points made you get back $117 ewwwwwwwwwww

you really want 7 out now win $6 and guys it's quick most players only get to throw dice 5 times actual action time is maybe 1 min




Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
GOT room at Cesars for tues wed leave thurs ................hoping they have $15 min or $10 if not take long walk over to ballys they will have $10 min.

best deal in the world all Cesars properties you only pay like $35 as a member hold $100 on card for the stay no matter how long you stay 2 3 4 days which is like too much just gambling have to go see shows swim in pool etc...

even stroll the massive boardwalk

I have my own cash plus $295 only $795 total which is way plaenty to use even on a $25 min table but like omg i can lose $25 on naturals

I tried to figure out how to get win like betting $6 on hop 7's but you only get back $26 the other $4 goes back up

NO matter how much i lay or place point I cannot get profit beacuse thats $31 out with DP then place point for 6 or 8 for $36 lay $30 $31 + $30 +$36 ='s $97 out 7 out i get back $105 point made i get back $78

a loss of $19 NOT good at all

so if on $25 min table i just stay with system take the natural loss wait for next shooyter

maybe get in for couple place bets and field get two wins of any and go off

like if point is 6 or 8 place 5 6 n 8 $25 each field $25 hope to get two field hits win fast $50 5 6 8 i lose the field and win like $5 on 6 n 8 $10 on 5's

Get lucky on hot shotter making 2 - 5 passes im rich OMG pressing 2 place bets 1 unit each on every win

lets figure this out on $15 min table

point is 6 you bet $15 on 4 5 $18 on 8 $15 on 9 $15 on $10

pass line $15 odds in back $15

makes a 4 you win $27 so up 1 unit on 4 place bets $4 goes to $20 5 up to $20 $8 $24 9 $20

next box won is 8 WINS $28 10 up to $20 9 to $25 8 up to $30 5 up to $25

next box hit is 5 you win $28 up the 5 to $25 8 up to $35 up the 10 to $25 and $9 is now $25

ok makes point you win $15 and odd win $21 thats Total back $66

make pace bet again $15 point is 9 odds in back $30 take the 9 down rack it $25

so he wins you a 4 a 10 6 5 8 and again 5 n 6 4 you fucking racking hundreds more and wins the 9

:00hour aint life sweet but now we drop all place bets to min and rack the profits

yeah u can go for 3rd pass but you just be smart do not give up over $100 back to house

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