very agressive marketing- been emailing calling- been happy with books i have been useing but persistence removes resistence. i have friend besides folks here that call for who i like. and one of those friends gets a email free 50 dollars no deposit required. now my buddy is a player larger than i am. he calls me and i tell him try it- if they get pushy for a deposit they are not someone you want with your cash. he calls me and says the guy sounds like one of the brokers that calls his office on a daily basis so i try it. telling them i just want the free play the guy says that is not how it works. i at least need make a 100 dollar deposit- i tell him no just want the free play like one of the 20 emails i have gotten from them. now i could care less about the 50 bucks. i am happy with who i use 4 offshores and my local. i tell this guy i post here and my buddys story and i really do not want the free play. and then he changes his tune. maybe others stand by guys like this but attitude and upfront when getting my cash or anybody i now or care about. in 3 years i have never bashed a book or for that matter anybody else. and i am not here, just telling a little true story. if it smells like fish it usually is. i believe in business and in life all i have is my balls and my word and i expect that kind of attitude back. books i do like are oly,gibralter, gcs (even when they were having problems they were upfront) and millinium. i refer plenty and this book will not be oneof them. if you cannot be upfront about 50 how about 5000.