Fixer's Plays Week of 9/22

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Feb 22, 2001
YTD: 18-12-2 60% (He WAS however 15-5 before last weeks fall) Here is the "cut and paste"

I might as well call this my ?On The Road Again? Pix, as I have loaded up on mostly traveling light favorites and modest underdogs... It was great to see the Irish go down, now the national media slugs can slime all over Florida, the newest Flavor of the Week... They'll go down in Ttown next week, leaving noone the media wants to jizz all over. Virginia Tech is too thuggish, Texas is coached by Mac Brown(their collapse is near), Florida State doesn't have a QB, and LSWho? has an inexperienced QB. So who does that leave??? My bandwagon is hooked to the Cardinals from Louisville... SO DON'T BLOW IT PETRINO!!! But I digress... onto the progs...


IOWA STATE -17? @ Army- Our military is in shambles, the latest casualty being the West Point football team. Even crack-pot coach Bobby Ross has all but given up on turning the crushed hopes and dreams of his players into something special? Non-Promise Keeper Dan McCarney has promised that his team will win consecutive bowl games for the first time ever? Well isn?t that special? Is anyone else sick of getting our asses kicked these last 40 yrs by every 3rd world country who can field a flag football team??? I weep for the future?

VIRGINIA TECH -11 vs Ga Tech- The Gobblers will have little trouble with the Wramblin? Wreck?s inept offense, even with Reggie Ball back from licking toliets in the JR Crickets across the highway from Historic Grant Field? yawn? This may be the THIRD week in a row that Beamer's D shuts out their opponent. Whatever shit the Jackets come up with to throw against the wall in Blacksburg, none of it will stick, and VPI will continue their Katrina-like destructive path towards a national title?

ARIZONA ST -5 @ Oregon St- Just when you think your non-conference schedule is over & you can ease up a bit with a low rent 2-9 team like Arizona, it becomes painfully obvious that it?s the Sun Devils and not the Mildkats coming to your sleepy Oregon-coasted town? Just think, Life of Reiley could be sitting in an office in Tuscaloosa with a 3-0 team thinking life is good. Instead, he?s out in Corvallis with no defense and a team coming Saturday who averages a million yards of offense a week?

MARYLAND +3 @ Wake Forest- The Turtles look to add further pain & anguish to the already-ruined WF season. Smoking will be permitted throughout the stadium and on the field so that fans, coaches & even their sketchiest players can calm their nerves all-the-while a stiff Terp D limits any & every Wake back to minimal irrelevant yardage? And this Saturday is Arnold Palmer Bobblehead Day; no, they're not giving out the dolls, they are having a contest to see who can bounce their head around like the 90 yr old former golfer...

MARSHALL -3 @ Florida Directional School #137-B- For some reason, the Golden Showers are still playing football games, and in the decrepit old rotten Citrus Bowl, where you are sure to find crack, crank, meth, ?shrooms & ice just walking from your car to the stadium? Coming down from the moun-tanes are the Herd, close losers to K-State and eager to get their conference schedule off on the right foot? Stat ?o the Day: Marshall is 11-0 in their last 11 conference openers, 6-1 ATS?

NORTHERN ILLINOIS -6 @ Akron- The Huskies haven?t had this good a QB since the glory days of Jerry Golsteyn in 1976. Parlay that with a top 10 rushing attack and the Zips are in for a long day at the Condom Bowl? And crome-domer Joe Novak gets off on running up the score? Now that the Chicago Cubs have once-again let their beloved city down, AGAIN, these Dogs become the greatest opportunity for some sort of championship in the Windy City, even if it IS the MAC... Zip up the Zips & go from there... Jason Taylor must be rolling over in his grave?

NAVY -5? @ Rice- The lone bright spot among our armed-forced teams is the Goats from Annapolis. If they can hold onto their coach(My sources tell me he?ll be in a major conference next year), and keep the sea sickness to a minimum, then these fighting sailors can build themselves into a solid 7-4 team each year? FYI: sarcasm level at an extreme high? Shrimp-fried Rice is stuck with an old decrepit coach who listens to noone and continues to underachieve each season, but the few Owl alumni who stick around Houston either die of asthma-related causes or end up in China exporting rubber dog shit? Rice is LAST in rushing defense in the country? POSTPONED

The Sagebrush State Parlay(although both teams are on the road):

UNLV -4 @ Utah St- The sluggish Rebs hit the road for the 3rd time in 4 weeks, heading to modest Romney Stadium to beat up on the Heffers. Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes Claude??? Looks as though the local handicappers in Vegas are trying to slip one past this guy, but they don?t know that I haven?t picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue? Huffers Anonymous here I come?

NEVADA +17 @ Colorado St- Bradlee Van Pelt doesn?t live in Ft Collins anymore, but that doesn?t mean the city isn?t full of extremely dangerous freaks? The Rams are well coached, but lack the usual talent to compete with the ?powers? of their second tier conference. The Wolves impressed me in their win last week, and have a talented receiver, although I have to question his parents as to what they were on when they named him Caleb? Is that a vegetable???

I'll show myself out...
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Feb 22, 2001
And why would this thread be moved, when these are free plays that are given out, week in and week out for over 5 years by these guys? Just asking as I am just trying to provide some plays for everyone. They could go look for themselves, but I have provided no link to any site or anythng. When Senor Capper posts Lem Bankers plays, why are those not moved as well? I am not trying to create any waves here, but this made zero sense.

moved back :admin
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Feb 22, 2001
BC Gonzo's plays (Cut and paste)
BC Gonzo Pix of the Week
Week 4 (Week ending 9/24)

We?re almost a month into this Foul Season of ?05, and I suppose Parity is our buzzword these daze (except in the case of those homer-sexuals from Southern Cal, but we?ll get to that later?). Indeed, this season is a hard one to call ? especially from the smog-addled air of Atlanta? But what the Hell, eh? We are, after all, Professionals, and we do our finest Thinking under conditions of extreme pressure. This is the time of year when Media Adulation sways lines, and we've spotted a few on which to pounce. Let?s Get Down to Business?.

5 Star Picks:

Georgia ?15 vs. Mississippi St: Week 4 finds The Third Richt traveling to depressing Starkvegas to take on its canine brethren in what figures to be one of the least anticipated SEC games in quite some time. Coach Krooms and his woeful offense went over 6 quarters without a point before rallying in the 2nd half to nip dreadful Tulane. Dat ain?t good news for the Bullies as they face one of the SEC?s better defenses. Even with the inconsistent play of its inexperienced QB, UGA cruises to a 20-plus point victory behind the legs of their tailback triumvirate.

San Diego St ?14 vs. San Jose St: The fine folks in the San Diego area deserve a better product than what the Ass-Tecs have been giving them recently, but with their rotten uniforms, it?s probably best that the seats remain empty at Qualcomm Stadium. Some things are better left unseen? In any case, look for the Aztec phans to finally get a blow out they?ve longed for. SDSU?s offense will finally explode this week against the ghastly defense of the Spartans and Depend-wearing HC Dick Tomey, who?s so senile he thinks a FAX machine is nothing but a waffle iron with a phone attached?.

4 Star Picks:

Miami (FL) ?14 vs. Colorado: Speaking of ancient, decrepit coaches, Larry Coker is beginning to feel a little heat from the slovenly, chain-wearing Cane phan base. But this week he and his Thugs will also administer a thorough whipping the ?U? faithful have been craving. Kyle Wright will finally have his breakout game, while the Cane defense will finally buckle down and send Gary Barnett and scandal-ridden program back to the flat irons. Darian Hagan must be rollin? over in his grave?.

Minnesota ?3.5 vs. Purdue: Last week after his Owls were annihilated by ?Sota, FAU Coach Howard Schnellenberger said the Gopher offensive line reminded him of the 1983 Nebraska front line. He also said something about wanting more whiskey?. Indeed. Goofy Glenn Mason might have his best team yet in TC. Saturday, I?ll call for Laurence Baloney to force the Boilers to crowd the line, allowing for Sicilian QB Bryan Cupito to go long all day. Gophers win by a TD in what looks to be one of the better college games this year.

Tennessee +7 @ LSU: Is it possible for Fat Fill FullMore and the Viles to go from pre-season National Title Contender to 2 games behind Vandy in the conference standings in 2 short weeks?? Probably? But I wouldn?t count out UT just yet. For all of his disgusting eating habits and piss-poor hygiene, Fulmer rarely loses 2 in a row. Something tells me the Tigah?s dim-witted ?student athletes? won?t be focused after a 9 day hangover. The Riggs/Mainge combo will explode in Death Valley and propel the Vols to close game with the Bayou Bengals.

3 Star Picks

Temple +3.5 vs. W. Michigan: Outside of any UAB game, this match up in FilthyDelphia might draw the smallest Div. 1-A crowd in modern history. There?s really nothing positive to say about this contest except that we hear John Chaney?s expected to attend this game in his first public appearance since his discharge from Trembling Hills Substance Abuse Center (downtown campus). What the hell ? we?ll call for the Owls to score late and win by a hair. Give a Hoot! Read a Book!

Maryland +2.5 @ Wake Forest: My friend Doug Swearingen once told me the only good thing to ever come out of Maryland was the Cure for Chlamydia, and I?m beginning to believe him. The TeriblePins are an astonishing 0-3 ATS thus far this year, but this week I look for Big Boi Ralph Friedgin to finally get off of his zip code-sized arse and get his under armored boys out of the gate inspired. Quarterback play will be the difference in this game, and the edge here goes to Sam Hollenback. The Skoal Bowl empties early as the Terps break it open in the Third?.

Oregon +21.5 vs. USC: There?s no love lost between these 2 coaches, as Mike Belotti once referred to Pete Carroll as a ?half-bright, egg-sucking weasel who rapes the West Coast of all available talent?. Whoa. Bottomless Pete would love nothing more than to hang Sixty on Belotti and the Quacks, but it won?t be easy at Gonzo Autzen Stadium. The Ambiguously Gay Duo of Leinart and Bush will light up the scoreboard in Eugene, but Kellen Clemens will keep the Ducks reasonably close.

You be the judge....

Mississippi ?2 vs. Wyoming: Is there a more delusional phan base than that of Ole Piss? Surely their optimism for Coach ?O? is a bit tempered after their bitch-slapping at the hands of Vandy. Right? Who cares? This week, we?ll call for the Rebs to come out fired up for Orgeron?s home opener and exact revenge against the Pokes. If not, we?ll call for a permanent banishment from the SEC for the Rebels and their fans ? perhaps somewhere near Guantanamo Bay.

Ok. You?re Welcome.

BC Gonzo
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