I sure as hell hope that when Billy Joel sang,"Only the good die young", he wasn't talking about good cappers.
Because RAYMOND is GOOD.
Not only that, but he brings a certain dignity to the forum that contributes in a large part to the atmosphere that we're trying to impart.
Good to have ya back, RAY.
And RAY, if you have any Feng Shui ideas, please share them. I've already been in touch with MadJack about the moving of several banners to other parts of the forum. I think that if he goes along with my ideas, there will be a clearer pathway for good vibes to traverse the forum.
It might seem arcane, but I believe that I am on to something here. In fact, I believe that it's already working.
It's kind of like when David Bowie sang, "ground control to Major Tom". I'm ground control and MadJack is Major Tom.
Best wishes.