Flight 253 Prosecutor Barbara McQuade

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Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
To those of you that followed this story when I was posting about my experience with flight 253:

My nephew went to his law school orientation last week (He will be starting this fall). The guest speaker at the orientation was Barbara McQuade who just happens to be the lead prosecutor in the case against the underwear bomber from flight 253. McQuade discussed the flight 253 case with the future attorneys and indicated that some details of the case are so secret that they could only be revealed to the judge and not to the public or national security would be jeopardized. I wonder if the secret information is that the underwear bomber was escorted through security without a passport by a government agent? Obviously, I believe that I already know the answer to that question. Unfortunately, this is probably as close as I will likely ever get to an admission to verify my eyewitness account. I am still waiting for the airport security video to be released to prove me right.........................