Floyd Landis extends America's Dominance of Tour de France

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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Congratulations to Floyd Landis! USA pro cycling marches on! Eleven wins of Tour de France in last 21 years!

Betting Story: Landis pays 75-1 for Stage 17 Win!
The story goes that last Wednesday (7-19-06), Landis had a terrible day on the bike, exhausting his energy reserves (hitting the wall), and dropping from 1st to 8th, over eight minutes behind the race leader. The next day, Stage 17, he felt confident that he would bounce back.

His team (Phonak) held a meeting, and the plan was for the team to put the hammer down and try to launch Landis off the front of the race to make up the lost eight minutes.

Team member Axel Merckx made a phone call to his father, cycling legend Eddy Merckx, and told him that Floyd felt great and of what the team planned to do. Eddy went to the local bookmaker and got down for 100 Euros.

Floyd Landis won Stage 17 handily. Not a bad little score.