what has probably been the diff. with s.d. is that flutie is not running. in the couple of games i saw where they either lost or barely made it (lost ats), his running would have easily been the difference. he is not your classic q.b., yet has been playing like he is one.
i dont have time to go check all his stats, game by game, but has anyone seen him enough this year to comment on it? did he start the season scrambling and then stop the last 3-5 games? is he really just a capricious q.b. running the show his way, or is s.d.'s offensive crew that foolish?
regardless, anyone who thinks s.d. will come in here and beat the line, better think again. only a hustling flutie (diff. off. game plan) will make a difference, and so far there is no indication it will happen.
if you saw the oak/seattle game, you were treated to a wonderful seattle def. and game plan, something not expected from s.d. at oak. remember, oak takes no prisoners at home or play tootie-flutie.