fool's gold?

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Jul 19, 2002
does anyone else get fed up with all the hype about large lottery payoffs?The media plays this up so big.They ask poor slobs waiting in line for three hours what they would do if they won the $200 get answers like they would pay off their bills, get their teeth straightened,buy a new car, go on vacation,etc.these people have no idea how much a milion dollars is, which would be quite adequate for most of us.
I hate the whole thing;it preys on people's false hopes and values.I bet most big winners are miserable, or at least not as happy as they think they should be.
for myself if I played the lottery, and I don't, I would find happiness in giving most of it away in a constructive manner.
Too much money is a fool's dream.Most people would be out of place trying to live like the rich.Beverly hillbillies comes to mind.


Forum Member
I guess just like LV, everyone hears about only the few winners and not all those who have lost. I hardly follow the hype at least. I'm sure everyone has stories to add to the hype: I had a retired neighbor who played the B'days of his kids every month. He won 5 out of 6 twice w/in one year- $1200 and $1700 respectively. It was almost like a hobby for him, but he is a rare exception and only played $5 each time.
Only time I play is when the JackPot gets unusually large, and then I get in a pool @ work.:shrug: