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Apr 25, 2002

I saw him post at another forum under WISEGUYSUNLIMITED is Full of Bullshit....He posted his MLB Game of the Year on Toronto.

I wonder if we should check his other Alias what they he could of done the old 50-50 scam. (50% get Toronto and 50% got Detroit)...probably use his lesser known Alias to push Detroit as their he could still have something to Tout, as one of them would win.

And now he is getting ripped and exposed at this forum...which starts with an R....This is what a member their posted...

And..yes, this is $JIMMY$ posting as WISEGUYSUNLIMITED the one and only Scammer involved....He has NO partners like he claimed to have..just read below to what another member said.....And read this response by WGU ....this response was $JIMMY$'s he always like to brag before the game was over, remember.

08-08-2005, 10:22 PM #19
** Junior

Originally Posted by Tulsa
Hey pal, this is no game of the century if they didn't close it out better than they did. It is in fact a toss up. I hope you win, but you lose my interest when you post game of the century and have it turn out like this!! Learn. From. This. tulsa

Hey pal, not trying to be a smartass, but my account is going to fund me 8 units whether Toronto wins by 1 or 100. A win is a win, and a loss is loss. Detroit hit Bush alot better than I thought they would, but hey if Toronto can come back and win this, then great! 8-8 Bot 11.

be careful of the wiseguys unlimited

i know the ** doesnt permit bashing in this forum so im gonna start by saying this is more or less a warning on what i feel is a "scam" by the wiseguys unlimited... true they went on a tremendous streak to finish college basketball and they ended pretty well in the nba as well... however ive been on the email list and just let me explain these facts... 1) baseball started and they wanted either $297 per month or approx. $1500 for the year (dont quote me on the year package but it was around that figure), then they did pretty bad and they were emailing me for FREE for about a month in which they did decent but its hard for me to say they were plus/minus units because i didnt keep track although ill say it was even at best... then they come out and say that the one guy that is the baseball guy hadnt been around and another guy was picking but the main guy is back and they will be great again.... again sub .500 at best... then i get another email saying this one guy is in bad shape healthwise and they are dedicating the rest of the season to him and they want to go like and dont quote me on this 160-50 to finish the season... again they may be a little on the plus side since this email but in no way on a pace to do this number... finally one week they want $350 for the rest of the year and again they arent doing anything spectacular.... the final email is $150 for the rest of baseball and again doing nothing great.... my point is this and this isnt because they lost the goy last nite because i didnt have it... my point is to all the ** people to watch yourselves with this group

Hey I thought $JIMMY$ said it was his fiance that had health its one of his made up Capper buddies....How convient of a lie to use when you losing your ass...First, you say...the main Baseball guy is not here...then you say, the main Baseball guy has health problems....all excuses and lies $JIMMY$ told his members as he was losing his ass, instead of telling them the truth...

Oh and dont forget his other Alias names....Cantlose2easy, William Conger, BestDamnSportsServicePeriod, Wiseguysone, Wiseguyswin, Wiseguypsychics, Wiseguycapper, Sportswiseguy, Psychicwiseguy, KCSports and last but not least Bestdamnsportsservice (the