For all you Bush-bashers


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Aug 2, 2000
The National Assoc of Business Economists put a report out on Monday that stated: (in a nutshell)
Unemployment is a lagging indicator of economic recovery. The recession is over. Businesses are starting to re-hire laid off workers and create new jobs to the tune of 100,00 per month by December of this year. Repealling the tax cuts now would slow the turn around as would another terrorist strike.

Cheney and Haliburton - There aren't many companies that can handle the work that needs to be done in Iraq. Haliburton happens to be one of the companies that can.

Why not cut the propsed prescription drug plan down from the $400 billion to $300 billion to help pay the cost of insuring our country's and our kids' futures?


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May 12, 2002
Re: For all you Bush-bashers

OK, I'll bite.

Economic recovery - wait and see. Tax cuts and war fueled the recession.

Haliburton - aren't many companies? so there are others. why were they not allowed to bid on this project? think about it. Cheney said Sunday he had no financial interest in Haliburton, yet he receives still approximately $200,000 a year from them in deferred compensation and reportedly holds a huge amount of stock options in that company. Have you ever seen even a small town local government trying to build something relatively inexpensive do so without taking bids looking for the best combination of quality and expense? I haven't. Doesn't make any sense, and I can't believe it's taken this long for the Dems to make a stink about it. The Democrats are far too scared of being labeled "anti-American" to do their job.

$100 billion to secure our children's future? Plenty of other ways to get that money. For example, don't make things up to start a war that will cost much more than that. Don't throw away an incredible budget surplus mailing money to people in new tax refunds. Etc. etc. :shrug:

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
uh yeah....every small town hires the local guy

Halliburton is the best thats out there....enough said

just what is being made up?

General Wesley Clark said on Meet the Press that he received a call from the White House on 9-11 saying that he should blame it on Iraq. After a little investigation, Mr. Clark said after changing his story many times that it was a call he took from Canada who had an acquantance in the White house....LMAO.

Mr. Clark also took down Kosovo in a hurry. Talk about Exaggeration and someplace having nothing to do with our national security!!! Yet he is always quick to explain how fundamentalist fascist Islam has nothgin to do with our national security. Maybe General Clark should go bomb more women and children like he did at Waco because of some madman brainwashing them. Maybe General Clark should again try to restart WWIII by bombing the Russians who took over an airport in Kosovo when he didn't like it.

Talk about incompetency....yet this is the liberal's expert on national security and now supposedly a legitimate presedential candidate? A guy who has make-believe friends?


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
dr. freeze said:
Maybe General Clark should again try to restart WWIII by bombing the Russians who took over an airport in Kosovo when he didn't like it.
I dont like or dislike him or want him to run or not want him to run but this is a common lie/misbelief/falicy that Clark bashers love. I wont bother paraphrasing this is from the Washington Post senior military reporter Vernon Loeb.

Did Clark actually order a strike against Russina troops at the Pristina airfield, or did he order troops there merely as a contingency? Was he trying to prvoke the Russians, or, as British General Jackson has been quoted, "start WWIII?" What was the motive behind the order, and what do he think Clark intended to acheive?


Vernon Loeb: No, he didn't order a strike on the Russians, and I don't think he was trying to provoke them. He ordered British Gen. Michael Jackson to block the runways at Pristina so that the Russians couldn't fly in reinforcements. He was very worried about Russia coming in, grabbing an entire sector of Kosovo from NATO, and both undermining NATO and undercutting the forthcoming peacekeeping operation. And he says he had the Pentagon's support in issuing the order. If you remember back to that time, he was not the only one who was quite alarmed by the Russians power grab. But Jackson, for whatever reason, just thought Clark's order was too provocative, and wouldn't obey it. The crisis ultimately passed, and the Russians were unable to bring in any more troops for a variety of reasons, though there were in fact indications that they were trying to do so.


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Nov 4, 2000
I'll be darned a real man is going to run for President. Enough of these draft dodgers including the one we have now. Who by the way never completed his air nat guard service.
Some one who really understands why we did not have to do Iraq when we did. Someone who questioned why we stood by with hands in our pockets when Saddam gassed all those folks in 1988/1989.
Now our White house is saying Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Thats nice a little late. Hey guess what they think Saddam may have destroyed all his nasty weapons in 1991/1992 as told to. Man how it all has changed since the orginal BS given to us. But of course we just had to invade Iraq to save there people. Yup just like we did or forgot to in 1998/1999. Such spin we get.
It's time they keep Bushs feet in the fire. This chit dont say anything your not waving the flag if you do. Is all a way to cover up all the screw ups.
And now were close to kissing the french and Germans asses. that was easy to see coming almost a year ago. when you dont plan what to do after a so called 25 day war. Now your stuck with costly chit. And it's costing evey dam one of us. Iraq was a pre planned war. Someday 10/15 years from now somone from Bushs adminastration will say so.
Why is everyone actting surprised.
And of course the bad ass Bin of 9/11 is still running around free planing more surprise for the world. We never finished the job. We divided our forces. Bad deal.
Yes thank goodness the unemployment rate is way down to 6.1% . Sounds like only 9 million out of jobs.
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 12, 2002
dr. freeze said:
uh yeah....every small town hires the local guy

Halliburton is the best thats out there....enough said

just what is being made up?

Every small town does not just hire the local guy, because there are usually lots of local guys. Construction projects are put up for bid and the most qualified and reasonably priced company will get the job.

What makes you an expert on Halliburton's ability to perform these jobs better than other companies? Even if that's true, why were companies who are in the business of large-scale infrastructure construction or oil-well fire extinguishing, etc. told that they could not even apply for these jobs. If Haliburton truly is the best, and can do the job cost-effectively, they shouldn't be afraid of competing bids. At worst, allowing other companies the opportunity to bid may have kept the price tag down - without competition, Haliburton has little incentive to keep costs down.

What's being made up? Where do I start? First, it was the al-Qaeda/Iraq connection. Once the international community (and not the Democrats who apparently couldn't find their balls) started asking for details Bush couldn't produce, the reason for going to war changed to this notion of chemical/biological weapons nobody could find (or has found). When it was suggested that more aggressive inspections should be tried in order to discover these weapons, that whole thing (which they admittedly didn't know was true) about buying nuclear (pronounced Nook-you-ler, of course) materials from Africa was tossed out there. Then, when they couldn't substantiate any of these stories, they basically said, "Trust us. We have the proof, we just can't tell you what it is," and then moved on. Later, right before the conflict was initiated, there was all of a sudden all that talk about "liberating the oppressed Iraqi people." Why aren't we liberating the millions of oppressed populations in Africa, or the Cubans? What could be the difference? What could it be.......?

The rest of your post has something to do with Wesley Clark, but I can't see where anybody said anything about him.
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