for eight million Americans, gambling is compulsive.

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Dec 27, 2000
Tampa FL USA

Anti-gambling drug being tested

For millions, gambling is a healthy pursuit offering escapist excitement and a momentary rush.

But for eight million Americans, gambling is compulsive.

Those who turn online sports books or casinos, into uncontrollable gambling, can seek help through behavior-based approaches like Gamblers Anonymous or psychotherapy.

But such solutions only work for about half of participants, in large part because problem gambling is poorly researched and misunderstood.

With unregulated gambling outlets mushrooming all over the Internet, the potential for addiction is on the rise.

The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago reports 15 million people are at risk of becoming problem gamblers.

Homes, retirement savings and even lives are at stake, say doctors.

And those who need help may be served well by medicine.

A Minnesota study aims to find out. It's betting on a pill to control compulsive gambling.

Most doctors view gambling as a behavior problem, not a mental health issue. But some gambling addicts may need more than a 12-step program.

Naltrexone, the drug being studied, blocks the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain's pleasure center.

It's already been used successfully for treating heroine addiction and alcoholism and may work with compulsive betting, says Suck Won Kim, MD of the University of Minnesota Medical School.

"It works by blocking urges, in this case, to gamble," says Kim. "Because the people who gamble are going after excitement and pleasure and reward, we are very much interested in that part of the brain, and in the medication working in that part of the brain."

So far, results indicate the drug may prove effective with this and other vices. "In selected urges such as gambling, compulsive shopping, and compulsive stealing, we found the drug working very well," explains Kim.




Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I used to call GA from pay phones, and it would go like this:

GA: "Gamblers Anonymous."

Me: "Um....hi.....I need some help."

GA: "Yes, sir. How may we assist you?"

Me: "Well, last night, I made a three team parlay wager. I was in the hole for the week, and needed out real bad."

GA: "Yes, go on."

Me: "I emptied my credit cards into a couple off shores, and laid $10,000 on this parlay....Now, I don't mind telling you, I have never been so scared in my life. I have never put that kind of money out before."

GA: "I understand."

Me: "Well, I mix a few drinks-- By the way, I just called AA, and they are the ones who told me about you guys. The guys name was Bob W....just incase you guys have some kind of 'referal' program, like the sports books. So, I have a few drinks, watch the first two games, and they win going away! Too f--king easy!"
"So, it comes down to the third game. I have a shot at $60,000! I am sweating like a Miami Hurricane taking a piss test! But when the gun went off, this one was a winner, too! I just made $60,000!.....unreal!"

GA: "But the strain was too much, so you called for help?"

Me: "No. I just wanted to know if you thought I should buy a Caddy or a Lexus?"



[This message has been edited by yyz (edited 10-12-2001).]
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
If it proved effective states and feds would have FDA nix it.If 8 million figure is correct would assume 3/4 would be lottery related.Not too tough getting to phone at sports bar prior to kickoff but line is 2 deep out the door on lottery night at quick shops.
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