Originally posted by djv:
Yup your right. I was just sitting here thinking how good the country was doing under slick. Bring back those days.
Yep, Willie sure left our country in great shape. Did nothing against terrorists after their attacks on our barracks, embassy, and USS Cole, and let the economy balloon inflate a bit too much before he left. He perjured himself under oath (great example for our children), was impeached by the House, and showed a lot class upon leaving the White House.
It ain't Bush's fault we're where we are at. Only time will tell how his policies affect us. I, for one, am thankful he's the one in office right now, because I think he's got the balls to take action against bin Laden (face it, we all know now he's ultimately responsible for the attacks), and I think he's got the sense to do it right. (Oh my gosh, did I just mention Bush and sense in the same sentence? Yes I did. And, I mean it.)
Now, most importantly, let's all pray that I'm right!
P.S. - I'm not saying that Bush is any better for our country than Clinton. I'm just saying it's a bit too early to tell, and Clinton did about as much damage to our country as Reagan did, maybe more.