I HAVE SPENT NUMEROUS AMOUNTS OF HOURS ON THIS SITE THE PAST 6 MONTHS ON A DAILY BASIS AND HAVE FINALLY REALIZED WHAT A BUNCH OF COMEDIANS WE HAVE...I have learned many ways that people express themselves on here to show what they are feeling or doing when replying to a joke or a humorous post...However this does leave me with a dilemma???? we have three major crypted words such as rotf, lmao, and lol....there has been one thing bugging me for days now and i guess i am a culprit as well...many times people write these crypted words but how many people can say that they are really rolling on the floor, or laughing their ass off or even laughing out loud??I know i have posted such things when in fact i wasn't doing any of this at all...that doesnt say i didnt find that particular post funny but it was a far cry from laughing my ass off???
How many people are guilty of doing the same thing???
p.s. as you can tell i am extremely bored.
How many people are guilty of doing the same thing???
p.s. as you can tell i am extremely bored.