I know it's been posted, but thought some of you may need the revised schedule.
6pm- Opening Crossburning Ceremony broadcast live from Al Sharptons House.
6:30 pm Token African American Key note address by Colin Powell.
7pm Haliburton check presented to Bush and Cheney.
7:30 pm Conflict of Interest seminar given by George Bush Sr and James Baker. Sponsor: The Carlyle Group & Haliburton
8pm Prescription reform speech given by Rush limbaugh
8:30 pm Evil Doer of the year award, recipient Osama Bin Laden
Accepting in his absence 1988 winner Moamar Qadaffy
9:00pm Wmd scheduled to be found by Fox News
9:30 pm Osama Bin LAden to be "Captured" In Fort Lauderdale Country Club.
10:00pm Bush daughters kiss and bump Doughnuts
10:30 pm Gay Bashing
11:00pm Iran Contra Reunion Dance: Hosted by Oliver North and John Poindexter. Music by the Panamanian Strongband, Manuel Noriega and the Eightballs.
11:30 pm P.N.A.C reveals war plans to take over Sweeden after W tasted the meatballs.
Midnight G W address accepting nomination entitled
Daddy Says me did good and I knowed I am.
6pm- Opening Crossburning Ceremony broadcast live from Al Sharptons House.
6:30 pm Token African American Key note address by Colin Powell.
7pm Haliburton check presented to Bush and Cheney.
7:30 pm Conflict of Interest seminar given by George Bush Sr and James Baker. Sponsor: The Carlyle Group & Haliburton
8pm Prescription reform speech given by Rush limbaugh
8:30 pm Evil Doer of the year award, recipient Osama Bin Laden
Accepting in his absence 1988 winner Moamar Qadaffy
9:00pm Wmd scheduled to be found by Fox News
9:30 pm Osama Bin LAden to be "Captured" In Fort Lauderdale Country Club.
10:00pm Bush daughters kiss and bump Doughnuts
10:30 pm Gay Bashing
11:00pm Iran Contra Reunion Dance: Hosted by Oliver North and John Poindexter. Music by the Panamanian Strongband, Manuel Noriega and the Eightballs.
11:30 pm P.N.A.C reveals war plans to take over Sweeden after W tasted the meatballs.
Midnight G W address accepting nomination entitled
Daddy Says me did good and I knowed I am.