Forbes S/S Troubles Not As Big?


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Nov 4, 2000
Good old Steve Forbes who's few on taxes is interesting to say the least. But at least he always thinks out side the normal. In long run that could end up better for everyone. I do believe he understands our tax system better then most in government. Now he said look to all the taxes we the baby boomer's born 40 to 52. Will pay from our IRA's when we retire. He said most studies he saw discounts those funds. The assumption that when everyone stops working and retires will pay no taxes is dead wrong. True it's general tax fund money not set to go to S/S. However he said just 3 to 4 % of that tax money direct to S/S. Would take care of any problem additional 40/42 years. That would move troubled date out from 2029 past 2070. However he still thinks some way for a system with saving accounts as part of it is still needed to be started so it could start to kick in around 2050 time area.
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