this is no considered the consensus polling from the a.p. and yahoo(both well known neocon shills)and paul...along with my guy duncan hunter,polled poorly in the consensus....
"Fox, meanwhile, has invited five GOP candidates to a forum with Chris Wallace scheduled for its mobile studio in New Hampshire on Sunday. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee received invites, leaving Paul of Texas and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on the sidelines.
The network said it had limited space in its studio ? a souped-up bus ? and that it invited candidates who had received double-digit support in recent polls.
In a nationwide poll conducted December 14-20 by The Associated Press and Yahoo, """Thompson had the support of 11 percent of GOP voters and Paul was at 4 percent""".
it`s that guys need to wake up and smell the coffee....paul is dead in the water...he`s going nowhere...neither is hunter,richardson(maybe the most unintelligent candidate in history),kookcinich et al....
but,on the positive side,the dude`s got a guys bought him a blimp with your donations.....
and some signs hung from overpasses.....
here`s the consensus poll numbers...
Republican Presidential Nomination
RCP Average