Fri Oct 25
Over 191 Nuggetts/Bulls (1 unit)
Memphis -2 1/2 (1 unit)
Over 188 Ind/Dallas (2 units)
Lakers -3 1/2 (1 unit)
Over 194 Kings/Clips (1 unit)
1 unit....23-21-1, -.10
2 unit....4-5-1,-3.0
3 unit....
4 unit....
5 unit....1-1, -0.5
Won..... 28....Loss..... 27, PUSH 2, units -3.6, as of 10/09/13 thru end of Pre-season
Over 191 Nuggetts/Bulls (1 unit)
Memphis -2 1/2 (1 unit)
Over 188 Ind/Dallas (2 units)
Lakers -3 1/2 (1 unit)
Over 194 Kings/Clips (1 unit)
1 unit....23-21-1, -.10
2 unit....4-5-1,-3.0
3 unit....
4 unit....
5 unit....1-1, -0.5
Won..... 28....Loss..... 27, PUSH 2, units -3.6, as of 10/09/13 thru end of Pre-season