Friday----back on winning track

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


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10 unit 2-1( +1600)
5 unit 1-4( -4500) 2 bad beats--big swing
3 unit 2-0( +1200)
2 unit 1-2(-600)
1 unit 2-2(+40)
1 unit 6-0totals(+1400)

Picked more winners than losers yesterday but------------------------
Lost big play last night in Boston---Burkett pitched decent, error first batter of game set the tone. Pitt had big crowd that really made a difference. Its a lot easier to play when it is sold out. Also they used old throw back baggy jerseys. They were white, I think this benifeted Pitt pitchers, may have been harder to pick up the ball. Anyways yesterday is over and tonight i have an array of run-lines to play. I got the right money wagering scheme tonight to make money. Have been studying lines and have picked up a lot of things espcially totals when their are day games. I have been crushing baseball---about to go on a big rush.

5 unit play Boston 1500/1000

2 Unit plays:
Seattle run-line -1.5 400/440

Angels run-line -1.5 400/480

Yankees run-line -1.5 400/440---problay already started do not know but played it.

3 unit play:---W/sox +1.5 1020/600

1 unit play: Phillies under 7 200/210

1 unit play: Dodgers over 7 200/210

1 unit play: Colorado under 12 200/200
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