Friday Foods for Thoughts....


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Aug 31, 2006
not real happy w/the schedule for tomorrow... Ivy League (Musca?) and MAAC... that's a league Box + One knows...

I'm gonna be gone all day golfing.. probably not bk til like 9pm est... too late

no time/interest to look at the MAAC stuff... suggest you look at Box and others...

Ivy League and a few MAC...

Corn/Yale (147.5)... gms 190 - 162 - 139 - 153.... halfs 83 - 67 - 56 - 67....
**2H OVER looks like a possibility... 83+ in all of em... maybe gm over too..?

Penn+5/Harv (140)... gms 143/133/145/143/147 (nice grouping!) halfs.. 54-66-70-51-74
~~~ Harv by 7/Penn by 5/Penn by 3/ Harv by 9/Penn by 3
**maybe a little play on Penn... ?

Prince/Dartmouth (137).... gms 137/111/128/133... halfs... 69-38-51-74
**maybe gm under... and maybe 2h under.. ??

R.Island/Dayt (135.5).... gms 125/137/162/149... halfs... 68/70/93/66
** maybe 1h Over.. ? Dayton Should win..

Kent St/B. Green (147.5).... don't see much there

Buf -8.5/Mia-Oh (152.5).... gms == 152/165/148/129 ... halfs == 68-77-67-75
****2nd Half OVERRRS... they've scored 84 / 88 / 81 / 75... it opens up it seems.. ?

I'm beat... g'nite and g'luck!

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