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got a parlay rolling for today; Really love the Cubs today,as u all know have them to win the World Series. Why?? Because of their starting pitching. Prior will be have electric stuff tonight in the cold. He has overpowering fastball,hammer, and the Braves are in for a rude awakening when they face this young stud. I believe he is the best pitcher in baseball right now. U think Wood was dealing, u ain't seen nothing yet. LOve the Cubs, would of keyed them up on parlays, but don't have a good feeling on either total today. My lean would be the Cubs game under 8--Cause Prior will be nasty and the Braves are going to have fits at the plate facing him. However, Maddux is going for the Braves, and i feel the Cubs will get to him, this is why i stay off the total. I have a feeling Cubs score a bunch tonight---(just a feeling no play on total)---and bullpen comes in and gets roughed up as well. Don't want to lay the juice on the Cubs although i might. So i decide to play the Cubs on a parlay with the Giants run-line +1.5-200---i Know it seems like a lot. But i feel the giants win this game, and the only way they lose tonight is by 1 run. This game will be tight. Parlay Cubs with giants run-line and its like a flat bet but your getting all the juice. May add Cubs later straight bet, also may make a play on the total on a parlay with the Cubs.

Final play: Cubs/giants run-line +1.5 8 units parlay/ brings back profit of 12 units.

I have no clue on the Giants total--will observe the line up unitl game time to see if any clues come up. Good luck0---and for godsake don't bet the Braves---Maddux--will get hit, and i promise Prior will prove tonight why he is the best pitcher in baseball right now. Cubs to win the world Series--Believe--believe in the Cubs.


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Jan 29, 2003
If you were really a professional gambler, as you have previously claimed, you would not be playing uncorrelated parlays at an alarming rate.

Good luck on this nonetheless.


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bombs--respect your comment--well not really, but i didn't know there were guidelines to sportsbetting. I used to always play straight bets, but in baseball been banking cash playing parlays--i feel that to succeed in this buisness, one must always be changing--with the times, what works today might not work tommorrow. Playing parlays on big favorites, avoids laying juice and provides a bigger return on your investment if the situation is right. Last night the key was the Yankees, tonight there is no key, but 2 solid picks.

what does it matter anyway if i'm playing uncorrelated plays at an alarming rate, as long as i'm recording wins and more units at alarming rate.--not to boast but i have done that.
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May 26, 2000
Good luck ontyme. I thought we had settled the old parlay arguement in baseball a long time ago.


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Jan 29, 2003
Dont get me wrong, I want you and everyone to be big winners. I realize that it seems that parlaying lays off juice, but this is only a short term consideration. In the long run, straight wagers are better plays, unless there is correlation, or you have found a pattern in your own handicapping abilities that shows you either go 2-0 or 0-2. But, this is doubtful. I know a few players that are true pros, they wont touch parlays, especially not using them as their only plays. Just my two cents. Good luck.
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Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I want to apologize in advance for my indulgence in your thread. Something that Bombs said caught my eye.


I must say you are a greater humanitarian than I. I am really indifferent about those who play recklessly. If they win, good for them, but I don't necessarily hope they win big because I know it probably isn't going to happen. Why get my hopes up, you know? Those who take the craft of handicapping seriously and work at it the right way are the ones who I really root for.


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I'm going to add Cubs to win the series vs. Atlanta laying 115---to win 5 units: since i have cubs to win the world series +700 for 3 units. I feel they have the advantage against Atlanta with the starting pitching, Prior will be nasty tonight(believe it)--then Wood and Zambrano 1 more time, with Clement if needed--He's rested, can't say the same for Atlanta's staff.

Pending: Cubs to win the World series +700--3 units

Cubs to win-115 series vs Atlanta. 5 units

Giants to win series vs. Flordia -135 5 units.

About the total tonight: there has been line shifts all day, was 8 over 120 earlier, came down to 7.5 under 125, then went to 7 over 120, not sits comfortable at 7 over 115--what does this mean?? Not real sure will watch for any clues in next hour. But Prior will hold it down tonight. The run-line went to Atlanta +1.5 -180 for about 45 min but has come back down to earth at =1.5 -170... Believe in the Cubs--Believe.

Nick u can come in my thread anytime you have an opinion,thought, or idea.


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Jul 19, 2002
ontyme excuse me too :D

Nick i think all the craftsmen in here throw in a parlay now and then. While i agree that a wheel bet, round robin whatever u call it is not the way to go, a parlay - in addition to the juice - saves you units if you dont wanna have a large portion of your bankroll out there but have some strong leans... on favs that is. This also is helpful for players that dont rate their plays... like me.
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let me clarify something---I do not parlay in any other sport, maybe 1perccnt of the time on the money-line. However, in baseball, this past month i have been keying up the Cubs,redsox,mostly with Marlins here and there with other plays that i would have played straight. So instead of laying the juice on the straight plays, i saved 10percent, and My key team,the last month when the CUbs and the others that needed to win were hot. I would win more. Yesterday i thought the Yankees was a great bet,so i played it with the under. I risked 10 units on Yanks and under---My thinking was Yankees win this game--best play, but i would not play them to win 10 units, i would have to risk over 20 units, I thought the under the strongest play of the playoffs, so instead of playing the under for 10 units--I parlay them, risking less to win a lot more. I repeat, I do not wake up everyday and think what parlay i'm going to make, but if i have a great pick with lots of juice, i will avoid the juice. Tonight i love the CUbs--but i do not want to lay the juice. I have the giants to win the series, and i did not like Reman going today for Flordia, but did realize that they could beat San Fran. But i thought Giants on the run-line, being the away team, was a good chance if they lose(mind u i really think they win)--they lose by 1---U guys can criticize and say what u want but watch me day in and day out, I'll be consistent. Wait till basketball--best sport--I have been tuned in to baseball all summer. I have a good feel for many pitchers and how teams match-up. also want to add the last month of season the wildcard brought more assurance to playing this way, but all the teams in wildcard did not come through. I watched the Cubs a lot this year on TV and at the ballfield. Seen Prior pitch 15 times. I felt that they would keep winning and they have, they have great starting pitching, great team chemistry(Lofton brings a lot to this team) good manager in Dusty that has been there. I'm rambling--but Cubs have been solid--if u guys don't believe, you will after tonight that they can win the world series, I seen it 4 weeks ago when they were not even in first in thier division.
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Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thanks, ontyme. Ditto for you as well.

Riskbreaker, you must have misunderstood what I meant. I wasn't referring to anything Bombs said about parlays. I was more referring to his words about always wishing success for everyone.
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Sep 25, 2003


haha, both lose 4 sure. You'll See:moon:


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Sep 25, 2003


Oh wait, It's cold and Prior's hands don't get cold that's why you took them. And Chipper is cold blooded already plus this weather, I forgot.:thefinger


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let me guess Wes, u took the Braves because the majority of the people were on the Cubs, this is baseball not football my friend. Do you know who Mark Prior is, well watch the game, after it you will know who he is.Have u ever played baseball--, its hard to hit in the cold, players hate getting jammed, so they start cheating for the inside pitch, than bam they get hit on the outside. No my man you will see tonight, your just a young pup,wet behind the ears, basically you don't know meurta.

Believe in the Cubs--you can watch that line all you want--Braves go down, cubs win the World Series--believe in the cubs, believe.


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by the way your wes today??? Don't worry your not the only 1 with 2 different screen names, others do it also. You were bashing at first, so you changed your name to get in touch with me, i'm a step ahead kid. now bring in your other name dru---later to try and communicate--good cop bad cop. lol..


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wes--dru---you know his name now--Yeah its Prior kid.

good things his hands stay warm during them cold games(chipper must be cold-blooded)---try to tell you about hitting in the cold against dominant pitcher. Keep coming in my threads so we all can fade your ass. I know u like to watch the games until they go off the screen,but try and get your picks in early so we all can get our plays in. p.s--your method is phony--it don't work in baseball--your problem is u think your the best when u still have a lot to learn.:thefinger :moon: :thefinger :::nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:
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Jan 30, 2003
Bay Area, CA
dude, nice freakin' job..u said braves get one and cubs get 2-3

way to nail that shiznit!!!



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Sep 25, 2003


Why are you calling me dru? I'm Wes, the only other name I have is Wester on You had nice plays today. Congrats. I got butchered.....but you still stink. I have never seen anyone base picks on weather.:thefinger