Fry Day 3/15 plick and much more


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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Maybe the visitors come in here to read the stories and not the CBB plicks? IF so, jump down to "Best miracle of the week" below. Pretty sure Double Two, Hamster, and hogman (wherever he is?) will luv it. I didn't. I'd put it in the Wace Twack Forum, but that place has been deserted for quite some time and the spider webs in there are a pain in the ass to negotiate through. Nobody goes there so how the hell are they gonna let me know they read it? I think the only Visitors there are the spiders. My buddy almost fell off the couch. Gotta tell somebody and I do tell the Mrs. but I think she slips cotton in her ears when I'm not looking and just acts like she hears me. ;)

College baskets for TODAY - I just started capping today's plicks and got a long, long way to go. Despite DePaul's play the other day - usually teams that get through the 3 steps I use (takes plenty of time to get through those 3 steps) cover the regular line spread and I'll see if this post is on page 1 or 2 when I come back when I find the next one I'll post it. I use those teams for my parlays and teasers and sometimes there's one or two that warrant a single line bet (maybe with a little help to get the line to a 3 or a 9) play. You might want to check out the plays I already posted and see what percent of them woulda covered the reg. line.

For this post... Tenn. got through all steps. I got that one marked for a 3 team parlay at -3. Wouldn't be at all surprised if they cover the -5 or -5 1/2 line.

Best Miracle of the week
I beat Philly Park racing for 2 seasons out of the last 5. The humungous prices at that twack means beating that place makes up for at least 2 of the losing yrs. Yeah, that does leave me with one year behind. Only played that track, no others for years. This past Jan. and most of Feb I got absolutely hammered by close calls and incredibly just-missed exactas and trifectas. I cannot believe any reasonable handicapper could have come up with the horses that beat mine at the wire time after time. I TOTALLY stopped playing horses about three weeks ago due to TOO MANY ASS BURNERS. :moon:

I sometimes just watch a race or two on TV, that's it. Philly used to have 7 or 8 entries in most of their races but these days many of the races are full fields of 11 or 12 which makes winning more difficult. It was this past Mon. or Tues - a friend of mine came over and while going through the channels we stopped on TVG. Just for kicks, we made a fun pick with a 12 horse field. Worser yet - races at Philly are starting to look like Breeders Cup affairs, you know, like a field of CLONES. Forget about playing those races, I did a long, long time ago.

Back to us watching the TV -> Usually I'd just pick one horse to win for fun, but I did like 3 horses in the post parade along with their riders and trainers and picked 3 horses for fun, nos. 5,7,8.

You guessed right, those 3 bastages ran 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Winner (#7) paid $58+, exacta around $304, AND the fluckin 50 cent tri. (which I usually play) came up something VERY close to $350 for 50 STINKIN CENTS.

Think I'm going back to the hoss wacin thingy... I ain't takin the bait - NO THANK YOU! x14:


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Dec 15, 2005
another one

another one

I was hoping that Kansas St. and Purdue would get through the steps... both failed on step 3. :0045

Kentucky made it. I coulda swore that about 10 mins ago, Dimes had U/O at 130 and that looked like one hell of a gift to me. When I finished capping that game I head back to Dimes and SHOENOUGH it's at 136 1/2. Maybe I read it wrong the first time cause that big of a move is ridiculous.

Wildcats get used in a 5 1/2 or maybe even a 6 point TEASER along with one or two other teams. Double digit spreads ain't for me unless they're preceded with a "+". I know that a 6 pointer with only 2 teams looks like a heavy load ($) I think they can handle that load for me along with a more reasonable 2nd team that I should be able to find later.

Added by EDITING. Maybe that stops this thing from jumping to the top of list every time I add something?

Davidson -6 passed the tests. NOT going to chance ruining a parlay or teaser with this one cause I don't know anything about them and only a little about Joe's.

Bonus for the Peepers
Parlay that hasn't started yet:
3/15/2019 7:00 PM College Basketball 820 Kentucky* -9 vs Alabama
3/15/2019 6:30 PM College Basketball 831 Xavier*+7 vs Villanova
3/15/2019 9:00 PM College Basketball 834 Marquette* -185 vs Seton Hall
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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
LAST ONE.. promise

LAST ONE.. promise

Pending 3 Team Teaser (ties win) Teaser tw 5?fb & 4?bk
Pending 3/15/19 9:30pm College Basketball 822 Tennessee -1 * vs Mississippi State
Pending 3/15/19 11:30pm College Basketball 853 Fresno State +8? * vs Utah State
Pending 3/16/19 3:30pm College Basketball 618 Houston U -3 * vs Memphis U

$16.22 wins $30.. :s2: gradually grinding them down, got all the time in the world before it's time to cashout, started out with about a 1/4 of the way into the basketball season (did the same after cashing out with them college FOOTbawlers), and the bankaroo sits now at 4 1/2 times at what it started out with (LOW triple digits).

Just addem up; the bankaroo actually went up again yesterday mostly due to that last parlay (above); this last one today just may do the same for today. Looks like an off day tomorrow.

Letting this one go to the top this time.. keep it on the top two or three pages pages and I'll stay interested here.

Hope we found some wieners here - G.L. Visitors/Madjackers


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Dec 15, 2005
For the turkeys

For the turkeys

FRYday was the first losing day I had since posting this college BB season here.Putting the teasers and parlay together is a big part of the job and I've been doing a pretty good job of putting the right teams together in each type of bet. Didn't need to when they all won. :) Not today though cause when two losers (Fresno and the ASS BURNER of the day, Marquette) split up between 2 of the exotic bets - you/ME lose BOTH. I played two 3team teasers and one 3team parlay; the teasers are dead and the parlay is alive pending Houston's game on Sat. Even if Houston covers, it'll be a losing day; losing peanuts that is :s2:


Losing for me which I know can happen. I'm sure that PLENTY of the 250+ turkeys that flew in and outa here or at least those with some smarts are :00hour .still counting winnings for today.The reason is right in front of your nose, Homies. Not one of them acknowledge finding the answers here.....and their party is gonna be ending for them real quick like when I decide that it's sooo much easier to be a turkey than a poster. Only this turkey will acknowledge whatever poster I visit with very few exceptions. I know a few Jackers that do the right thing to do around here and for them I'm gonna share the answer.

I knew that posting parlays and teasers wasn't gonna make a hit around here for the pro cappers and my initial posts had some games that already started or even finished when I posted them. Couldn't help myself from sharing the miracle streak I was on.I know that the forums are about regular line, straight bets but for me - that ain't for me.

Hate to do the thinking for the turkeys, but here's the answer:

Today (actually on Friday, I'm a niteowl and it still feels like today) I made sure I posted my "crazy" bets before any of the games started. Correct me if I'm mistaken but I posted 7 teams. Now, six of them are done and one, Houston, is pending, Now, for the straight bettors - is it easier to find an ATS wiener from a normal day.... say, 20 games (40 teams) or from say, from 6 teams? HOW ABOUT FROM 6 TEAMS WHEN 4 OF THEM COVERED the regular spread bet at the end of the day?

Do a little homework and check back at my earlier posts to see if this is working; I ain't gonna do it but I think it is, How cum I don't play single plays with the plicks cause mathematics say I'd do better? It's because what I'm doing made me into a winner from the time I started doing it, last col. FB SEASON, and is doing great so far with the baskets plus I like playing "bunches" at a time.Also, I won't get into this here but you can insure those kind of plays and even turn a potential loosah into a winnah under the right conditions. Also, I started out betting small to win big and continuing small betting this way ensures that I'm a winner at the end of the college BB season cause I'm so far ahead now doing what I'm doing.

May be worth the effort to check this out?
Bet on MyBookie