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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
since i am such a racist i......

1. teach english and play piano at a chinese church every sunday afternoon -- well 3 sundays a month anyway

2. counsel hispanic girls and boyfriends at a crisis pregnancy center 1 afternoon a week....also some other ethinicities but that is the primary one i work with

3. play golf at Indian casino tournaments -- am one of about 3 whites that gets invited to playin summers...and am probably going to work on the reservation after residency......

4. one of my best friends is Lebanese, another Uruguayen, bunch more african american and hispanic....and a bunch more are of arab descent who i talk about these things with and yes some agree with about everything i think but most do not.....but we are civil to each other and don't personalize everything.....

you guys can judge my heart all you want and think you know my intentions....but i serve people lots of people and have lots of friends.....yeah i am opinionated but i am more interested in what is truth then anything else.....i don't like to say with any kind of pride what i try to do because i feel that if i serve people for pride i am doing no good and my intentions are in the wrong place.....BUT when my character gets attacked i feel no hestitance to defend myself....

and Scott....you can go check anywhere and see what the mean MCAT score is for accepted anglo-males as opposed to any other demographic and you will instantly see what i mean by jumping through hoops.....white males have to score average of 80th percentile on MCAT to be accepted while other groups are RECRUITED and scholarshiped at anything above 50 percentile....not just accepted.....

i have a different worldview than you people and you have to realize that before you judge my heart and intentions......what i say is what i believe and i believe in the equality of all and also in uplifting everyone instead of teaching that some of us are inferior to others....everyone has adversity in their life and the key to succeeding in anything is overcoming adversity with self reliance and self sufficiency.....only then are you developing into a strong individual....

as far as what anyone else says....i could really care less because you do not judge my heart or my intentions....and my thoughts and words are so twisted all the time on here it is many times frustrating but i try to not let it get to me.....but i admit it does....so please before another feeding frenzy develops realize this stuff.....
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