MadJack Administrator Staff member Forum Admin Super Moderators Channel Owner Jul 13, 1999 104,765 1,402 113 69 home May 23, 2002 #1 r
MadJack Administrator Staff member Forum Admin Super Moderators Channel Owner Jul 13, 1999 104,765 1,402 113 69 home May 23, 2002 #2 IE- my email is still down. sheese! everybody else- i'll answer all the mail as soon as i am am to receive it. sorry for the inconvenience. how the hell did we ever function in life without email? :shrug:
IE- my email is still down. sheese! everybody else- i'll answer all the mail as soon as i am am to receive it. sorry for the inconvenience. how the hell did we ever function in life without email? :shrug: