Game 4 ramblings

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Forum Member
Oct 22, 2002
Like most, I had mixed feelings about last night's fireworks.

Yes, I truly enjoyed watching the Angels torch Fat Livan.
No, I didn't enjoy watching them completely shred the under before the 5th inning.

I walked out of the blaze roughly a unit up factoring in the cheese and the juice, and I'm satisfied.....for now.

Very cold weather + Livan "Senor October" Hernandez + Pitcher Friendly yard - DH + Ramon Ortiz in the lineup (Dude is brutal) + Pitchers' Zone (although I thought Tim called a tight zone myself) = yet another Angels Offensive Explosion ?? :shrug:

Ladies & Gents,
I know Kirk Rueter is a savvy veteran. I know Kirk Rueter gives them a look they haven't seen this fall. I know Kirk Rueter looks like the cowboy in Toy Story. I know there is a thing such as the law of averages. I know that every peak has its valley.

But you cannot go against this Anaheim team right now. They are on fire, like no team I've seen in quite awhile. Take the cheese you're getting with Lackey (who's looked good thus far), roll it up and smoke it.

Anaheim +120, 4 units.
O/U - 9 = :shrug: I'm not touchin' this 'un.

G'luck tonight all.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 8, 2001
AGREE 100%. This is a BIG PLAY SITUATION. Rueter will get shelled by angels. Glaus will homer, and angels lefties have no trouble hitting lefties, I think anderson likes them better.