Game 4

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Forum Member
Sep 14, 2011
I'm I seeing this correctly over 70% of action on Miami so far tonight?:0003

Feel like media is overplaying this Parker injury angle and the sheep are flocking.

I'm interested in Spo's defense adjustments tonight does he continue to double Parker at the price of leaving Neal, green, & bonner open. Bonner had 3 wide open looks in game 3 and just missed them he is very capable of adding on to the onslaught. Or does he decided to let Parker beat ya and stay home on the shooters.

If/when I see it come out looking to bet Parker over total points prop:0corn

I like the spurs and over tonight :toast:

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
I'm interested in Spo's defense adjustments tonight does he continue to double Parker at the price of leaving Neal, green, & bonner open. Bonner had 3 wide open looks in game 3 and just missed them he is very capable of adding on to the onslaught. Or does he decided to let Parker beat ya and stay home on the shooters.

The interesting thing is that the Heat also need to make a lot of offensive adjustments. The Spurs have been using a man-zone hybrid defense that has really given the Heat fits offensively, as evidenced by their low scoring output in the last game. They talked a lot about how they have to pass the ball better and utilize the weak side more, so these adjustments should be on full display tonight. Of course, Pop will have his own counter move, that's for sure!

Good luck, go Spurs.


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Forum Member
Nov 24, 2003
Pops is a great coach but let's don't get carried away...there is nothing sophisticated or complex about this defense...he is simply playing a sagging man to man daring Lebron and Wade to shoot...nothing more nothing less and nothing hybrid about it..
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Pops is a great coach but let's don't get carried away...there is nothing sophisticated or complex about this defense...he is simply playing a sagging man to man daring Lebron and Wade to shoot...nothing more nothing less and nothing hybrid about it..

Yea, nothing too special about it, except it has given the "big three" for the Heat fits so far. And, the Spurs were the third best defensive team in the league this season, but I'm sure that has nothing to do with Pop being a great coach and making proper adjustments. Whether you want to call is sagging man-to-man or hybrid man-zone, doesn?t really matter. They are collapsing the paint, giving lots of help, and daring people to beat them outside, and so far it seems to be working pretty well. Holding the Heat to 77 points and 88.1 efficiency rating for a team that has averaged 107.6 for the playoffs is surely a successful outing. Whether or not they can replicate that remains to be seen. Doubtful, but, I was just trying to comment to shablazin that the Heat have some work to do on both ends. I expect they will have a much better outing tonight, but don?t think it will be enough.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 14, 2011
I don't understand how d wade has been "hurt" then he plays like this tonight? Almost like he was dogging it if he had this in the tank the whole time
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Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
I don't understand how d wade has been "hurt" then he plays like this tonight? Almost like he was dogging it if he had this in the tank the whole time

Such a weird series with these guys playing like crap, then playing like last night. I mean, it's the finals, what more motivation do you need to put it all out there?
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg