Hammer I can tell you this much....I do know. Can the HEAT finish this very easily tonight ? 1000%.
But one read of this book and....
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Will the NBA extend this series because if the HEAT win....That is going to be a huge layoff till the Finals.
The West is going 6 or 7 we know. Can't imagine the lost revenue by Miami winning tonight....:0008
IF Miami wins tonight they are off for EIGHT DAYS ! Finals start June 5th.
Still checking on a few things...
YOU HIT THIS PERFECTLY!!!! THAT IS THE BIBLE FOR ALL NBA GAMBLERS IMO.... I owe Mr. Donaghy alot of very very nice nights that would have been a typical loser for me... I would say 80% of my 2nd half NBA play success is because of that book... Alot of you have seen me praise about this for many years... I mean, look at how INDY threw the ball in and it OBV. upon replay went off of INDY'S hands... After watching the replay which ANY OTHER SPORT (cept maybe NFL) would have gone to HEAT.... BLATANT EVIDENCE OF WHAT HAPPENED... But, they give it to INDY... And the announcer then says something like, "It wasn't really the correct call, BUT IT WAS THE RIGHT CALL for tonight".... WTF>???? And then right after that before the dude throws it in a second time, an INDY PLAYER IS RUNNING AROUND N KNOCKS OVER A MIA DEFENDER.... CHARGE, and loss of ball I would figure (I didnt see this but once, so not sure my facts are TOTALLY right on this), BUT TO GIVE INDY A FT ATTEMPT was insane!!! COurse, don't worry INDY misses 3 of the last 5, burying all 184 overs a chance to push or win.... I think they hit like 11 of 23 or something like that....
And then even, IMO, LeBron KNEW, if they went to OT, MIA would win because of how shot INDY was... Why WOULDNT LE BRON want to win tonight???? Because he KNOWS winning at HOME will SOLIDIFY his "greatness (to me, of being great at drawing fouls)" and have his home fans cheering and the party would be so much more than tonight at Indy.... I TRULY BELIEVE HE CHUCKED OUT TO BOSCH FOR THAT 3 KNOWING IT WAS LESS THAN 50% CHANCE HE WOULD HIT THAT, INSTEAD OF TAKING A BARELY CONTESTED (from behind) LAY UP THAT WOULD TIE IT, OR IF HE DID MISS THE EASY LAYUP, AN "AUTO FOUL" WOULD BE CALLED N HE MIGHT MISS ONE.... (now this is my opinion, and Im not looking to argue if LeBron is great or not great; this (and the book) is ALL ABOUT what is best for THE NBA, (and yes the fans at times); but selling shirts, seats, and NBA labled stuff for as long as possible.... Round 1 was pathetic how easy it was to pick the SU winners from game 4 or 5 on.... they just would trade off.... indy messed up all game 7s for every series by accidentally draining a 3 they "werent supposed to".... IMO...
Many a person, including on here, have thought or have suggested I go and buy a tin foil hat, and that games ARE NOT FIXED, AND BLAH BLAH BLAH.... They are... And its not the players.... They don't have too much control on an outcome as much as REFS can/do.... If you want to make MORE MONEY GAMBLING IN THE NBA, THAT BOOK IS A MUST READ... Or you will catch yourself saying many a time, "FUCKING REFS SCREWED ME SO BAD"... It feels great when the REFS screws everyone but you.... Because its YOUR MONEY... The public will always get shafted on a game... sooner or later... Look how LeBron achieved 5 fouls so quickly... played barely 11 min. I believe and he got his 5th... I heard two were PHANTOM calls... Well, the book talks ALL ABOUT THIS KIND OF STUFF... And how the GAME WILL END... LIKE WHO WILL WIN AND WHO WILL LOSE.... and the meeting ALL REFS HAVE BEFORE THE GAMESTARTS WITH THE NBA COMMISSIONER FOR EVERY POSTSEASON GAME... I know, from reading the book, THAT THE MEETING ISN'T A PEP TALK, TELLING THE REFS TO, 'GO OUT AND HAVE A GOOD GAME GUYS... AND KEEP IT FAIR... ":142smilie:142smilie:142smilie No. Mia was the better team tonight, for sure... But IT APPEARED THEY WERE WAY OFF....
Thanks for bringing this up, I hope you listened to the book... Shit, alot of the "REF CALLS" were right out of the book... On what they do, how they do it, and WHAT TO LOOK FOR to find HUGE VALUE and HIGH % CHANCE OF WINNING BETS AT HALFTIME!!!!
Ok... enough of my rambling... I am gonna reread the book for the 6th or 7th time this weekend... its been well over a year since I looked through it... (I have it marked for certain scenarios in playoffs and what to look for out of refs (and players too... they KNOW WTF the refs r doing).. AND THEY SAY NOTHING... Because the book talks about EXPOSING THE REFS AS A PLAYER OF THE NBA... NOT GOOD for that player or the team he plays on.... EXAMPLES are in the book....