Game 7 Best Bet

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Kidd's Korner

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Sep 1, 1999
Does anyone have the resources to find out who will be officiating tonite's game? I think the winner will be determined based on what they let either team get away with defensively. If they call it like they did Friday, the Lakers will win. If they call offensive fouls on Shaq (like they could almost every time he touches the ball) then it will be Sacramento. I hate to admit it but Bill Walton brought up a good point in the 4th quarter on Friday. He said that Mike Bibby looked tired and drained. And he did. He was a non-factor in that 2nd half in my opinion. If Bibby can't force the action like he did in Games 2, 3, 4 and 5, then Sacramento may be in trouble. Each game has seemed to bring out different heroes for each team. Kobe, Horry and Shaq so far for the Lakers and Bibby, Webber and Divac for the Kings. I think two people who may be the difference makers today are Peja or Rick Fox. Fox hasn't contributed crap this series. He needs to hit the jumper today to give LA its fourth option on offense. The same is true for Sac with Peja. I have a feeling these two may decide the game today.

Good Luck today in whomever you play. I will take the Lakers only because, in the end, Shaq gets more calls then anyone in the NBA.