thanks guys like i said i try to be as fair as i can there are just some days where i can't put a play up here because i have my free play and the other ones and just not going to put a game up here for show, so on a small day there is not enough to put up. like today nothing here because i have to take care of my stuff also,i could throw something out but i would never do that becasue that is bs if i don't play it,it won't be posted either place.
some people don't understand that but i am over that i have given much time to this site and will always do so when i have something extra that i played that i think will win. i try to win every game i post or it would not be posted if its posted as a free play or here i played it and said i will tell you how i played it as of how strong i feel it is . all plays are a unit unless i say other wise.
today is a short card so had to take care of my own first but if i get a tip i will pass it on if i feel it is worth it. good luck and see you next week.
thanks again glad they helped some people out.
good luck today.