Gary Johnson>>>


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Aug 2, 2000
Got 1 million votes.

Needed about 4 million to qualify for FEC funds in 2016.



If he had the same money and exposure as Romney he would have beat The Obama.

The Republicans are in big trouble because they are too stupid to realize that any candidate has to bury his beliefs and succumb to the idiotic views of the rollers and then, in the general election there is no way they can win (or should win) pushing an agenda against indivdual rights including who marries who, what a woman can do with her body and introducing God into every decision.

On the other hand, The Obama now has four years to move from the bottom five of all time Presidents to last on the list taking that spot from Carter.

Two signs of things to come...the stock market lost over 300 points and gas in my area went up by 20 cents a gallon overnight.

I feel very good about voting for Johnson.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
If he had the same money and exposure as Romney he would have beat The Obama.

The Republicans are in big trouble because they are too stupid to realize that any candidate has to bury his beliefs and succumb to the idiotic views of the rollers and then, in the general election there is no way they can win (or should win) pushing an agenda against indivdual rights including who marries who, what a woman can do with her body and introducing God into every decision.

On the other hand, The Obama now has four years to move from the bottom five of all time Presidents to last on the list taking that spot from Carter.

Two signs of things to come...the stock market lost over 300 points and gas in my area went up by 20 cents a gallon overnight.

I feel very good about voting for Johnson.

401k in 08 compared to 2012. Any difference in them? I heard this same nonsense about the Dow in 08 when it plummeted the day after and the very next two days it was all back and more and guys like you vanished with this silly reach.


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Aug 2, 2000

Pres Obama has had an effect on the stock market but he is not the cause of the parabolic rise over the past 4 years.

Ben Bernanke is.

However, futures trading early Tuesday night, while Romney was still in the game, were up yet as the night wore on, had dropped lower as Pres Obama's re-election became evident The floor fell out when ECB Pres Draghi held a meeting regarding Greece.

The US economy faces stiff winds. 62% of companies reporting earnings were below estimates. There are many other statistics that I could cite that show dramatic headwinds for the economy. An uncertain Europe as well as uncertain regulation from the administration are not helpful for growth. The fiscal cliff and debt ceiling are also imminent problems.

Pres Obama faces a tough situation and I hope he can do the right thing for the US economy.


Well if past performance doesn't equal future behavior, I will bet the house on the Kansas City money line Monday night.

For all of the bitching and moaning everyone has done about the past four years (OK we can make that the past eight years), here we all with exactly the same federal configuration we have had and that has resulted in gridlock, deficits and the challenges you list.

I'll have to rethink my position based on Sponge's response. Apparently the world functions in a series of unrelated and random events that are not influenced or manipulated by those in power. You may be right as when The Obama came into office unemployment was 7.8% and that's what it is now. Let's flip a coin and see what happens next.


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Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
If you parse it out,

each vote cost Romney and Obama about $16 each.

Each vote Johnson got cost him about $2.

Was on a conference call today with him and he is not sure he will run in 2016 now that he will not be eligible for Federal Election funding.


He is a good man.

I don't think the answer is for the third party to win the election. I think the pathway has to be to put enough pressure on the two main parties to move their candidates toward the Libertarian point-of-view.

I think there is more of a chance for the Dems to move rather than the Republicans. I know I'm greatly generalizing but, the Lib point-of-view is the perspective that we should let people have ownership and responsibility for their own behavior and we should manage our finances responsibly in a way to defend the country and respect other viewpoints. (I know it is much deeper than that).

I can see the Dems becoming more fiscally responsible out of necessity (Clinton did it) but, can the Republicans ever steer clear of the wackos on the far right who won't give up their obsession with injecting God into every discussion...I don't think so until a few more generations from now.

I truly believe that at least 50% of Americans who took the "who should you vote for" test would end up with the Lib candidate including some of the misguided souls here.
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