My father born in Italy came over to the US when he was 4, lived in Little Italy in the Bronx ,graduated Teddy Roosevelt HS on Fordham road. Graduated No 1 in his class offered a full scholarship to Manhattan College despite living one block from Fordham Univ. Graduated in the class of 1936 with honors Got his BA or BS and became a Italian-Spanish teacher in NYC His 1st teaching job was at his Alma Mater Teddy R High school He taught there until 1942 and was drafted . He was accepted and was made an officer in the US Army . In August of 1943 he married my mother in the Bronx. His parents my grandparents didn't approve of my mother because she was a Calabrian and didn't have a good job They felt their son married someone beneath my fathers status. They married without his parents attending the wedding. My mothers apartment house on 187th street had a butcher on the 1st floor Although there was a food ration in the US because of the war they had a big wedding and all the meat and food you could eat. They were married aug 22 and on Aug 23rd my father was at Fort Dix in NJ getting ready for North Africa . He was part of General Clarks 5th Army They had one night together and my mother would not see my father until 1946 Although my father never officially knew where they were going he knew he was a part of AMG. Allied military Government and because he spoke fluent Italian he was either going to Italy or Spain .
I have to go I tell this story because he is connected to the Gazi strip working for the United nations later. back later sorry
I have to go I tell this story because he is connected to the Gazi strip working for the United nations later. back later sorry