G'Damn Cubs Relievers

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Registered User
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Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
Had a great under going in that game and the relievers have so far given up 5 runs in the ninth and the game goes Over. How many times is that now that the Cubs relievers can't hold on for me in the ninth.
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Man O' Vegas

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Mar 29, 2001
Las Vegas, Nev
Think this team is a go-against from here on out. They're just too many cracks forming in this 'pen, that's going to put way too much pressure on the starters, and this is happening vs. a .401 club. What are they going to do vs. HOU and STL? AS the saying goes, I wouldn't bet that team with your money



Wait til HT
Forum Member
I don't get it... the CUBS have one of the best PENS in the majors in my opinion, WHEN used properly, which BAYLOR can't seem to do. I mean, where's VAN POPPEL, GORDON, or TAVAREZ??? The other day he leaves in FARNSWORTH, a young gun with NO SAVES in his career to close out a game, and today he brings in DUNCAN. Why not TAVAREZ, VAN POPPEL, or your CLOSER, GORDON??? NONE of these guys have been used this week since they've returned... UN-freaking real to me~!

THANK GOD I thought this game started a bit later and missed out on playing it, but I feel your pain MICK, had CUBS and UNDER the other day when FARNSWORTH blew it...

** I apologize MR BAYLOR, I see you did bring in VAN POPPEL in the 8th, my bad. BUT, why wait to pull the plug on DUNCAN and put your team in jeopardy??? He should have NEVER been in there to allow CINCY to get within ONE with GRIFFEY on deck... again I ask, WHERE'S FLASH GORDON???

[This message has been edited by Randercity (edited 09-20-2001).]
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Registered User
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Jul 16, 1999
I certainly understand the fustration about the cubs pen. Gordon has a sore shoulder and not clear when he will return. There is some rumblings that he will end up on the dl if his arm doesn't improve quickly.


Registered User
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Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
Cannot understand why they didn't leave Van Poppel in. He was in during the eigth inning I believe and had a solid inning. Why replace him if he isn't having any problems. 1 hit and 1 strikeout in an inning is no reason to give him the hook.

This year, Baylor seems to like flipping pitchers every inning. It worked earlier in the year but it's backfiring on him when it's important.

I'm not sure if I agree with MOV. They are not necessarily a go against, but I may just not wager on them (for or against) the rest of the year.

Made some cash on them earlier in the year, gave back most of it in the past month to 6 weeks, so I think it's time to scratch them from my list.